The Vision Reality

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Bruno slowly came up to the cliff and his away keeping an eye on you. You and Mirabel were picking all sorts of apples, there were red, green, and yellow apples. There were so many trees. After 2 hours had passed you guys got on crate full. The trees that were left were the ones close to the edge and you volunteered yourself to do it. "Oh wow Mirabel there's some peaches mixed in here! " you said to the rare sight. "Oooo we should bring some home for the Family! " Mirabel said excited. You tiptoes yourself up to reach for the peaches but you slipped and fell back and started to fall off the cliff. You let out a loud scream when you felt a hand grab you. You looked up and it was Mirabel holding you. "I-I don't know how much longer I can hold you up! " she said scared. "Your hands are very sweaty! " you yelled. Bruno jumped up in so much worry and nervousness he remembered his vision that he had and it was coming true. He was not the one to catch you it was Mirabel. He rushed over to try to help. You were slipping from Mirabels grip. "PLEASE NO- NO DON'T LET GO! " You yelled out. "I-I I'M TRYING! " she yelled pulling you up but you slipped through and started to fall again "NOO" Bruno screamed and hurried and caught you again. "BRUNO HELP ME! " You said in pure anxiety. "MIRABEL GRAB INTO ME AND PULL ME BACK WHILE I PULL HER UP! " He yelled terrified he was gonna loose you. Mirabel did as she was told and with both of there strength the got you pulled up. Bruno wrapped his arms around you tightly almost in tears. You wrapped your arms around him and started to cry. Mirabel joined in on the hug. You guys stayed there about an hour more. After an hour you said "we need to finish getting the apples.. " "fuck the apples what just happened is more important! " Bruno said annoyed and mad. "Yes but Abuela specifically asked for these apples and she does need to finish" Mirabel said nervously. Bruno looked over at her mad. "Why??!!" He said angry. "I just have too okay?" You said getting up. Bruno stood up quickly picked you up and moved you far away from the cliff. "You will but you won't be doing it I will" he said walking back to the trees. "Okay... Just be careful" you said concerned. He nodded and finished getting the apples for you. Once he was done you and Mirabel started to carry the crates back as he was carrying all his things back too. "Bruno how did you know to come here? " Mirabel asked. "I saw you guys heading up here. So I followed. " he said honestly. "Why? " mirabel again asked. "I just knew I had to and I am glad I did" he said looking over at you. "Ever since she came into the picture you've been expressing yourself more. " Mirabel said looking up at him. "Is-Is that a bad thing? " he questioned her calmly. "No Tio Bruno it's a good thing you need to express yourself more. It's a sign you are getting better" she said smiling. Bruno smiled at his niece a warm gentle smile as you all continued forward through town and then eventually you all got to Casita. "They are home. " Delores said to Abuela. "Oh thank god! Y/n are you okay????!!!" Abuela said rushing to you. "Y-yeah I'm fine. " you said confused. Then you remembered Delores gift she heard it and told her. "Sweetie you have really proven yourself to me no need to do anymore. " she said grabbing your face with a gentle smile. "Well in that case I think Bruno had something to tell you. " you said nudging Bruno. "W-What what do you mean Mi vi- oooh uhm mamá I need to tell you something alone. " he said handing Delores the things he grabbed for the wedding. You and Mirabel out the apples by the entrance. And you both headed to your room. "So, what is he telling her. " Mirabel said going through your journal. "Uhm... Wellll we haven't been completely honest with everything. " you said blushing. "Oh?? " she said putting the journal down and looking at you "Go on. " "well after a night that the guy completely stabbed me and I was about to die till Bruno got me to your mom. He would sneak into here every night and spend about two hours or more with me dancing, talking, playing around just spending time together. We got closer than we expected to. Last night he came to me. We had a talk. Well and now... Now we are... We.. We are a couple. Dating. " you said blushing more. Mirabel got a surprised excited looked and squealed loud. She ran up and hugged you tightly. "I am so happy for you two! Oh my god! You are basically my Tia!!! " she said super excited. "Woah calm down I'm not... Not yet at least. " you said nervously. "Yet?? Oh my god are you wanting to marry him!!! " mirabel said letting go of you putting her hands in her face. "WHAT AH NOT YET NO- maybe in the future!!! We- we just started dating it's too soon to get married! " you said nervously sweating. "Mmmmhm I bet soon you two will be married and will-" "Mirabel stop you are freaking her out" Bruno said walking in. Mirabel looked at him with a big smile and sat down in a chair. "Well how did it go? " you asked him sitting on the bed. "Oh she is fine. She was actually quite very happy about it. She uh gave me her blessing to pursue you oddly. " he said confused and cute. "I'm glad she approves of this. Say what's the plan for tomorrow then? " you asked smugly. "Ah yes uhm she wants you to help out around the house instead of just being in here. Today's events caused her to not want you to do things like that again. " he said kinda relieved. "Oh yeah I can totally help out around here anything that needs done I'll do!" You said happily. "That's the think Mi Amor, tomorrow is the wedding. " he said putting his hands behind his back. "Oh, so I have a lot of preparing to do for the reception with Julieta huh? " you said nervous for all the work. "Yeaaaah, but! It'll be okay though! As soon as your done I'll be sitting right next to you at the ceremony! " he said awkwardly. You just giggled while Mirabel was enjoying the cute conversation you and Bruno were having. The next thing you all knew you were called down for dinner. You all ate a wonderful Julieta as Delores and Mariano where praised for getting married the next day as Peppa cried that her oldest baby was all grown. After dinner you went to bed sad that Bruno couldn't be with you that night. But you were ready for the next day ahead of you.

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