The next day

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You woke up and looked over at Bruno next to you sleeping peacefully. You began to smile and carefully got out of bed as you felt something grab your night gown. You looked down and saw Bruno looking up at you half awake smiling. He let go and sat up "Good morning beautiful. " he said stretching. Your eyes widened rememberimg that you were a couple now. "G-good morning! " you said nervous. "I have a long day ahead of me Abuela wants we to go into town and get some things for Delores wedding. " he said getting out of bed and grabbing his other clothes. You looked a bit sad "Aw but I was hoping we could spend some time together today." You said grumpy. "Aw Mi Vida it's okay, in fact Abuela wants to see you. You are basically apart of the family and everyone has a role here. She would like to see you soon. " he said heading to the door. "Dont worry y/n, Everything will be okay I promise. " he said sneaking out. You kinda found it hard to believe that everything would be okay. You got really upset. You got dressed and exited the room hoping you would run into him. You saw Delores and went up to her. "Hello Delores! Do you know where your Tio Bruno is? " you said nervous. "Yes he's in town getting things for the wedding. In fact he's talking to Abigail. " she said as she started to head down stairs. Abigail? Who the hell is Abigail? You got a little jealous. You tried to push that deep inside and to not let it bother you. "Abuela would like to see you Y/N" Delores said pointing to the kitchen. "Okay I'm on my way there. " you said still very upset and nervous. As you entered the kitchen you saw Abuela. She was wearing a blue dress simulator to her maroon one. "Ah y/n nice to see you dear I would like to speak to you privately. " she said sitting down. Oh no about what? "Uhm y-yeah what is it?" You said also taking a seat. "Brunito.... He's grown to be very... Very fond of you." She said stirring tea. "What have you two been doing to cause this? He was just to check on you while you were getting better now your better but he still keeps going to you." She said looking up to you. You started to panic. "Uhm we haven't done much. Just... We would talk. We'd talk about ourselves we got to know each other what we've been through. " you said honestly. "Ah.. That somewhat explains it. He cares deeply I've noticed. In fact yesterday during breakfast I noticed he wasn't paying any attention to anything I was saying. He kept staring. At you. His eyes glowing with pure generosity and love, pure amazement. " she said with a slight grin. "I think he may be in love with you. " she said putting q hand on her cheek. "I don't mind it if he is in love with you. But I want you to prove you are worthy of him." She said getting up and handing you some tea. She has no idea that you two are a couple. You thought Delores would have told everyone by now. "Prove myself... What do I have to do to prove myself? " you said sinking in your chair. "Ah that there tells me you want to prove yourself. So you feel the same for my Brunito? " she said smiling even more. "Uhm.. Yea.. I mean yes I do he is really sweet and he really understands me and I will do whatever I can to prove myself worthy of him!" You said with a lot of expression. "Ah yes good. You've proven yourself a bit already. I need you and Mirabel to go to near the mountains some apple trees grow around there. You and Mirabel need to get the apples so I can send them to the market to sell. Isabella hasn't learned how to from vegetables or fruits yet. " Abuela said putting her arms behind her back. "That's it that's all I have to do? " you said confused. "Yes, that's all you have to do bring two crates of apples back and you would have proven yourself enough to me. " she said sending you out if the kitchen where Mirabel was holding two empty crates. You breathed in and out and whispered to yourself "this will be easy". You grabbed one of the crates out of my Mirabels arms and you both headed out. "I usually do this alone it's nice to have someone with me it'll make this so much more quicker. " Mirabel said happily. "Yeah of course. " you said annoyed. "Soooo you and Tio Bruno have gotten very close. I'm honestly surprised he usually shelters himself. " Mirabel said looking over to you. "Yeah he just was always there for me. He came and helped me and would talk to me the most it of everyone. I don't even think I've talked to Camilo anymore than that one time. " you said kinda rolling your eyes. Mirabel chuckled. "Yeah you have been really friendly with Bruno. I'm happy he needed people in his life. " mirabel said giving you a warm gentle smile. You smiled back. Bruno was grabbing some fabric when he notices you and Mirabel heading to the cliff area near the mountains where the Apple trees grew. He got a worried mad look on his face. He finished up all his shopping and quietly followed you both. After about 20 more minutes of a walk you guys finally made it to the apple trees. "Damn I can understand why y'all usually get up early to do this. " you said wiping sweat off of you. "Yeah we got a few hours ahead if us to do this. We gotta be home by 5:00pm" Mirabel said getting ready to pull apples off of the trees. "Yeah let's do this! " you said confident.

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