The Vision of Not Listening

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You woke up the next day and got Dressed and ready for the day you had to go into town to grab things to prepare for the baby. You left you room and saw everyone immediately doing things. You saw Bruno down stairs talking to Peppa. You decided to go down stairs and go talk to him. "Bruno! Hi!" You said giving him a big smile. He looked at you and said "Oh hey what's up? " You found it kind of cold. Why was he talking to you like that? Maybe it's because of the fact you been keeping him from visioning and doing his job for 4 months. "Uhm I just wanted to say that I'm going into town now, " you said nervous about his response. "Oh okay Love you I'll see you later. " he said kissing your cheek and walking away. You felt a little sad about the way he was acting but you just headed into town to do that you needed to do.

~Meanwhile with Bruno~
Bruno was upset with you for how you been distracting him and keeping him away from using his powers. He thought that he could trust you but instead you keep pressing it away. It made him sad that you were doing that. And the remark you made during dinner "don't do anything stupid" it kept repeating in his head. He very much loved you like he did when he first fell for you. But you were hurting without realizing you were hurting him. He sat alone for awhile watching the rats be rats. He was just thinking to himself ago you and where he wanted to go from here. He didn't know what to do. He left his room to go see his family but no one was home, Delores was on a date with Mariano, Peppa was watering crops, Felix and Augustin were chopping wood, Antonio was showing off and teach the other kids about animals, Luisa was dealing with donkeys, Julieta was healing people, Camilo was entertaining people with his powers, Isabella and Mirabel were giving flowers to women. Everyone was busy including yourself. So Bruno just stayed home got something to eat and went to his room. He just sat in his vision face eating Arepas. He felt really sad and lonely. He finished his food and looked around. He started to miss you. He started to miss everyone. "Why do I care so much about people who don't like me or my ability" he said out loud. "I thought she loved it. Loved how I am. " he said starting to keep himself from crying. "She has to be hiding something from me to keep me from using my powers. " he said sorrowful. He began to think. "I hope it's not because she's cheating on me... No-No she would never do something like that. " he rambled. After a bit he struggled but he sighed. "She can't keep me from using my powers forever" he said standing up. He decided to have a vision anyway. So he got it set up. After it was set up he might his leaves and started his vision. He saw the night the magic happened leading to a you with a slightly bigger stomach leading to him holding your stomach leading to you screaming in pain leading to him holding a baby happy. He stopped his vision immediately. He examined the glass in shock. He felt so much happiness. But then he got mad. His eyes glowing green. "SHE'S BEEN KEEPING THIS FROM ME!?!?! " He said so mad. "Why!? Why would she keep from me that she's FUCKING pregnant with OUR kid!!!" He got very mad and he almost threw the vision. But he stopped himself from doing so. He had to hide it so he did. He calmed himself down. Bruno was very happy about the pregnancy and started to understand why you did what you did but it hurt him that you were keeping this from him. He wanted to know why but he didn't want to just say 'Hey I know you're pregnant I had a vision why didn't you tell me. ' He walked back and forth trying to figure out what to do. He wanted to be a good partner, he wanted to be s good father. But he was having trouble going about it. He just laid down in sand frustrated.

~Meanwhile with Delores~
"he knows. " Delores mumbled about to take a bite of her steak. "W-What who knows what?" Mariano questioned her. "Bruno.He knows Y/N is pregnant he had a vision." She said staring into his eyes. "But I thought she told him not to do that. " he said concerned. "Oh she do, and I can't wait to see this play out. How is he gonna go about telling her he knows he can't just hide it from her. " she said taking a sip of wine with s grin. "So are you going to tell anyone" Mariano questioned. "Oh yes I'm telling everyone but her." She said grabbing the check and looking at it. "Okay, I guess this is going to get intense. " he said helping her up.

~Back to you~
You finished up your shopping and today was going to be the day that you told Bruno that you are pregnant. You really missed him and you didn't want to loose him you were so nervous to tell him. You gathered everything and went home. You got home and it seemed like no one was home. It was seeing casita completely empty. You went into your room and put your things away and sat on the bed. Usually Bruno would greet you when you came home. But he was no where in sight. He usually would be home by now. You felt like you really messed up and you hoped everything will be okay. You laid down and fell asleep for a bit. You suddenly woke up and left the room and still no one was home. Where's Bruno? You looked at the time 5:00 pm. Everyone should be home by now but they aren't. You looked outside and saw them all heading home. You had some relief but there was no Bruno in the family crowed. Okay really where is he? You got really worried as everyone came in and created you with a smile. Abuela went into her room, so did Antonio,Peppa, Felix, Delores, and Mariano. Julieta and Augustin went into the kitchen. Mirabel and Camilo were playing around. Music was relaxing and Isabella she was just growing flowers where she wanted to grow flowers. You looked really sad and they noticed. You wanted to cry it was like he ran away. You didn't check his room so you decided to go ahead and look there. So you went into Bruno's room. You dealt with all the stairs carefully, you got through the passage ways, you looked where he sleeps everywhere but his vision cave. So you went there. Sure enough you found him there. "Bruno? " you said happy and concerned. He sat up and looked at you. "Y/N." He said stern.

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