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Kipo gasps saying "That long?" In a shocked voice, not knowing how someone can go without their family for 10 years

Behind the 'WELCOME TO GREEN HILLS' sign at the road was Tom Wachowski in his sheriff's car, he was wearing his sunglasses while holding out his radar speed gun waiting to see if there's a speeding car. He complains about there not being one car while playing about with his speed gun.

The crew chuckle at the fact he's acting like a timbercat kitten

He complains about being bored as his deputy Wade Whipple asking if he can read him, Tom answers that he's actually on a yacht in Barbados with Rihanna.

"Who?" They collectively ask

Wade excitedly asks for him to send pics but Tom tells him that he's at the speed trap. Wade asks how he got back so fast.

Kipo facepalms while wolf and Benson sigh at the sight of this one man's stupidity

Tom then points his speed gun at a slow moving tortoise which reads at 001.

Benson comments that tortoises really are that slow only because of the shells

Tom starts joking around asking the turtle where's the fire and there are kids living around there, he finds his joke funny as he apologises for the joke.

Kipo nods saying "It wasn't that funny to begin with

A blue blur rushes past the car and Tom checks his speed gun to see that it registers 295 to his shock. Sonic can be seen poking his head at the window from the roof.

"Of course he's not being careful" wolf sighs in defeat, having learned to spot stupid kids thanks to Kipo

A blue blur rushes past the car again causing it to register at 300, Tom checks it as Sonic is looking from the back window before running away. Tom is investigating on the road and finds a glowing dark blue quill.

Benson compliments his speed while Dave molts into adult dave and says "At least he ain't sad all the time."

Wade on the radio calls saying that they need Tom on main street as there is a violent gang shootout.

They suddenly panic given that they at least know how bad that could get

He laughs saying that what's really happening is that a duck stole a bagel but they do need it back.

They sigh in relief, glad that they don't have to worry about anyone being killed

The turtle is on the ground as Tom drives by the opposite direct but a car is headed its way and was about to run over it when a blue blur rushes by and saves the turtle just in time.

They see how worn down his shoes are and Kipo says "His poor feet"in empathy

Sonic is on the field softly telling the turtle that he almost got himself killed and asked if it's an adrenaline junkie. Sonic says it must be rough being slow all the time and then tells him that it's his lucky day.

The crew looks at him oddly, hoping that he's not going to do what they think he is

Queen's Don't Stop Me Now plays as Sonic is running down the road holding the turtle with a big smile on its face, he holds the turtle out but it falls back causing Sonic to go back and get him.

Kipo screams "WHAT IS HE DOING?" While the rest covers their ears to avoid the issue of it hurting them

The song stops as Sonic puts the turtle shaken by what happened to him on the ground in the forest and tells him to keep it their little secret and that he was never there.

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