Part Ten: Ashton

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A/N: Hiya Cupcakes. This is just a really quick author's note to thank you for everything. This story has been getting a lot more reads than I thought it would, as well as a lot more votes. And I wanna ask you guys to do one thing for me, please leave a comment. Anything would be nice. I want to hear from you guys, I want to know your opinions. I don't just crave feedback, you can even comment 'Hi' or something like that. I just want to know that you guys truely enjoy this. Thanks.
*I don't know how to actually dedicate things but this one goes out to -Penguin Hood- who has been voting like crazy. Thanks, you're amazing and might I just say, you look SO perfect (#TerribleYetRelatableJokes). Now, ON WITH THE STORY.

Last Time:

You look up at Mikey in confusion, and he simply smiled before grabbing your wrist and dragging you inside.

And you had absolutely no idea what to expect.

This Time:

When Mikey had dragged you into his living room, at first, everything looked normal. Until you looked at the couch that is. On the couch sat a curly-haired, hazel-eyed boy with whom you made direct eye contact. His hair was a light, sandyish- brunette colour and a huge smile lit up his entire face, almost literally.

The boy stood, and though he was slightly smaller than Mikey, he was taller than you by at least three inches. He was wearing a Greenday shirt and his black skinny jeans were littered with holes. He looked like a less hardcore, more natural version of Mikey (more natural being due to the fact that his hair was obviously a natural colour and he had no {visible} tattoos).

"Y/N, I want you to meet Ashton. He's my best none-female friend," Michael explains, gesturing to the boy; gesturing to Ashton. Ashton. Ashton.
Ashton. The name ran through your head a few times before Mikey interruted your thoughts by saying "Ashton, this is Y/N, friend."

You tried to ignore that shattering of your heart that occurred when Mikey called you a 'friend'. Of course he called you a friend, the two of you had never classified the other as something more. Yeah, you may have confessed a burning love for one another but, you've only been on one date. Of course he still considered you a friend. And you have yet to refer to him as anything more as well. Friends. That's what you were until further clarification.

Your thoughts are once again broken but this time it was by Ashton as he said "G'day" and shoved his hand towards you. You awkwardly took it and shook it before letting go quickly.  Ashton was warm. His skin was soft, uncommon for a guy, especially of his stature. You realize that you've said nothing to return his greeting so you simply repeat the stereotypical 'G'day'.

"The name's Irwin. Ashton Irwin. Most people call me Ash but, you can call me," Ashton pauses for dramatic effect, taking a second to flip a few stray curls from his eyes. "Anytime." You see Mikey visibly scowl at Ash before slapping his arm (in a playful, brotherly way). You wanted to think it didn't hurt but you could literally hear Mikey's hand as it made contact with Ashton's muscular upper arm.
Smack!! That almost teeth-grittingly unbearable skin-on-skin sound. It wasn't even the skin-on-skin sound that bothered you. It was the skin-hurts-skin sound that bothered you. It was an audible smack, and you could literally hear the force Michael had thrown behind it. And you didn't like it.

When Mikey lifted his hand, Ash had a quite visibly red handprint left over on his tanned skin. "Owie," Ash whimpers like a little kid, rubbing his arm where he'd just been hit.  This once again exibuted the fact that he was caught in between the sweet bliss of childhood and the cruel world of adulthood. "That freaking hurt." You laugh just the slightest bit at Ashton's use of 'freaking' instead of 'fucking' like any other normal adult.

"You don't have to not swear just because I'm a girl," you say through laughs when Ashton asked what was so 'dang' funny. You look over at Mikey, with whom you lock eyes with as he shakes his head. "He's not doing that because of you, Y/N," Mikey says, sounding like he was explaining it to a four-year-old. "Ashton doesn't swear. Isn't that right, baby Ashy-Poo?!" Mikey pinches at Ashton's cheeks but the second he does, Ashton smacks his hand away.

"I'm not a baby," Ashton protests with a scowl directed at Mikey. "I'm an entire year older than you!! I just think swearing is very derogatory. They invented when they were bored and that's what we use it for nowadays. When we're bored with a conversation and we feel as though we need to spice it up, we throw in a swear word or two. I find that completely senseless."

You stare at Ashton in total surprise. Never in your life had you met an adult that hasn't sworn at least once. Hell, nowadays, you can barely meet kids who haven't sworn at least once. "He basically just said that he thinks swearing is bad," Mikey says when you don't respond. "He's a child." You send Mikey a scowl before saying "No. I like the prospect of not swearing. It is quite derogatory". You put extra emphasis on the word is, that way he knows you just came to the revalation. "Thank you," Ash said in a sing-song, making you laugh. Maybe you could warm up to him after all.

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