Rival part 2

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Hmm. Archangel, the king requests you to come to the citadel. I will be be there right away just need a second. Of course. As the messenger walks away Sean is lost in thought. Hmm I wonder how this war will end. My king what is it you require of me, is there a problem? Yes, the demons have set up a fort in the forest of the lost souls and being occupied by a demon general. Is he powerful? I'm not sure so be very careful and take the others with you its most likely that the four knightsmen will also be heading towards the fort so look out for them as well. Alright now I'll be off to kill this general and I hope he is a challenge. Sean walks out of the citadel where the four others wait for him. Meet me at the battle tower for briefing. Alright then let's go; alright let's begin with, clairvoyance thank you, now let see hmm? What's this it seems that the demons are flying above the fort, they must be expecting an attack from above. Then lets attack from below and cause a distraction so that you get to fall in from above. Alright then go, the angels made their way to the fort and on the way there Sean separates from the group to wait for the distraction to commence, alright where are you guys. Sean suddenly saw a swarm of golden arrows flying through the sky striking down a half of the air forces and the rest flew after them now was his chance to attack. Time to go now, he flew at a tremendous speed but he was suddenly stopped by demon blockade. Get out of my way, he raised his arm, and the blue crystals forming in his hand, forming a sword made out of a golden white and blue crystalized blade, then in an instant he flew at incredible speed slashing down all that were in front of him. Now begone! Then with a swing of only his right arm he struck all of them down with a slash of pure light cutting through the air and blasted down as fast as he could until he made impact. Boom! Looks like I made it, and he looked over only to be in shock, no it can't be. Ryan!

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