The First Battle

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After coming back from our first mission we decided to lay back for a bit, well that was a great first mission right? Hell yeah, we did so good,  I wish we could have more of a challenge though Travis says as if dissapointed, I don't think they'll let us do another mission right now, and Ryan what did you do in there? Well let's just say I made sure that they were all dead, but you forgot one though, shut up I don't need any of that right now, so when do you think we get to fight a demon next, hopefully soon, but for now let's just relax a bit, hmmm? What is it Ben? The angles hideout seemed a little exposed don't you think? Well yeah but we shouldn't think to much about what happened and think about now. Squad 3 come to the briefing room for a new mission, oh well so much for relaxing, let's go. Whats the mission this time? This time you get to face your  very first demons, all right! Now here's what's happening a group of demon forces are coming in from the east and west but I think that the four of you can slit up into two teams of two and take out each of the forces and do it in any way you like, just make sure that you don't cause any damage near the tower and I'm talking to you Ryan, what makes you think I'll destroy the tower, do I need to answer that, no, good now pair your selves up and get ready to go, me and Ben went to the east side while Joey and Travis left to the west side of the towers borders, alright Ben here's the plan we wait inside these trees about 30 meters away from the demon group, wait for them to get at least 20 meters closer then you blast some flash bombs to give us enough time to sneak around them, then what? We kill the Fuck out them! Got it? Loud and clear, alright let's get into position, we both started to made our way towards the east side and then spotted the demon forces closing but they haven't spotted us yet, alright time to start climbing, we both climbed the tree, Ben pulled out a grenade launcher, ready to fire and I pull out my hammer, Ben get ready to fire on my mark, 3...2...1 FIRE! Ben pulls the trigger firing a cluster bomb catching the demons off guard taking out about half of how many there were before, I jumped out knocking five to the ground to make a crater in the ground, blood splatered everywhere, hell yeah! But another one came out nowhere and stricken me in the back, then many others appeared, oh crap, more of them, a hoard of them surrounded us in seconds were they expecting us to come after them, damn, Ben! On it Ben shot up a flash bomb and then I spinned around creating a whirlwind taking out all the demons in a second and that takes care of that, hey Ryan how do you think Joey and Travis are doing, as  he says that me and Ben look out into the distance and see an explosion, uhhh, there going to be just fine, we made our way back to then tower to tell them that we finished, and there was Joey and Travis just sitting there but they looked...not so happy, so what happened to you guys, we don't really want to talk about it, okay we took care of the east, good job you two now I think you should be more careful from here on out, why? Because the two leaders have noticed you four and are now sending in the bijg guns to take us out,so be careful alright but for now you can relax from any missions right now so don't worry, alright! Let's go swimming, and yes the tower has a pool  now let's go! Okay! And so went by another great day at the N.W.K but I knew that the war was just getting started.

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