A New Beginning

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Now I think that you are able to start your training, right now? Why not, we already know everything about this war and purpose, no I mean shouldn't at least get some rest first before we start, I think Bens right we should have some rest before we start training, ugh fine, I guess we can have some sleep I said, No! Joey says angrily, were goicomplete. right now or Travis no rice for you, Ryan no burgers for you, and Ben I don't know go eat something I don't really care anymore, (me and Travis ) oh no! Hey what's that supposed to mean, that doesn't matter were off to go training now, but, no buts, okay. My friends and I were directed to what appears to be is a battle arena and at each corner seems to be carrying different weapons, uhh what type of training is this, its to see what type of fighters you all are so we are going to first determine what type you all are then you shall start training but each of you might be in different training rooms depending on what types you are and so let's get started shall we, each of you will be fighting each other and what ever you grab and use will either tell you if its your style or not, so get ready, wait what! 3,2,1 begin! Without other hesitation we all ran towards the racks each grabbing a weapon, I grabbed a war hammer, Travis picked up a sword, Joey swiped a crossbow, and Ben grabbed...what the hell is that? Some sort of wait a second are those BOMBS! Uh oh, they looked like magical like bombs but hopefully the N.W.K wouldn't make these weapons so that we would harm each other right, right! I probably knew the answer and I put all my thoughts aside and ready for defense as Travis came bolting at me, thankfully I was able to block the blade of his as I can hear the clash between our weapons, I was able to push him away staggering his balance and I went for strike with my hammer but Travis was able to jump to the side before I could, smashing the ground making cracks all around me, Damn I missed! I looked over to Ben and Joey shooting and throw'n projectiles at each other but that ended as Travis flew in, almost slicing Joey in half but instead got his hair, uh oh thats not going to go well and now Travis and Joey were going at it at each other with full force but now Ben got his sights on me trying to throw one of his bombs,I smash the ground again shaking home so much he dropped it and KA-BOOM! Ben went flying and smashed against Travis leaving them both unconscious and that left just me and Joey so we glanced at eachother with fierce eyes and in a blink we ran full out at each other while I try to dodge all of his shots, I him right in the gut with my hammer sending him flying, well ya fucked up! but out of nowhere it was like time slowed down as I see a mini magical bomb hurdelying right towards me, oh crap, BOOM! I flew across the arena and smashing against the wall, it was Ben, he was back on his feat with Travis and Joey, STOP! We have seen enough, Ryan you shall be the smasher of your group, Travis shall be the blades man of the group, Joey you're the marksman, and Ben shall be your demolition guy, now all of you get prepared because your training begins now and it will be a lot harder along the path but I'm sure that you all shall become the greatest out of all of us so welcome to the N.W.K. After a couple months of training we are finally ready to begin our very first mission as a group after being separated for quite a while, we went to go see the old man in the briefing room, so what are we going to be doing for this mission Travis asked all excitedly, I could tell he wants to try out his special customized katana, we all had our very own weapons now Joey had a silver plated rapid fire crossbow, Ben has a back pack which I could only imagine what could be in there, and I had a large war hammer speialy made so that all my physical strength is increased by a hundred every time I use it. Alright we are going to go to the south side of this mountain right here just after the forests exit to find enemy angles hiding out there so we need to be stealthy about this, Ben throw a smoke bomb to cloak us while Joey you shoot any angles who might be on watch then Travis you and I will go inside their hideout to silently kill any other guards inside and Ryan once we've done that just kill the rest, are we clear, yes sir! Alright then let's move but before we do that I want to give each of you something, your very own uniforms, yeah! Each of us grabbed one and pulled them on, I got a blue trench coat with a cowboy hat, Travis got a red hooded cloak, Joey got a black vest, black gloves and a red scarf, Ben has a green cloak with white gloves, awesome! We jumped off of the bell tower and landed like freaking bosses and ran as fast as the wind into the forest towards the mountain, I guess that training really paid off, we started closing in on the hide out,Ben holding the smoke bomb in his hand
he tossed it right before we reached the entrance, Joey gets into position and fires on two angle guards while Travis and the old man snuck inside I could hear swords clashing and screaming me and the others walked inside, Travis and the old man run past us Ryan now! Got it I rush in with my hammer at my side and with swing of my hammer you could basically hear the mountain shake and all of them were all smashed up on the wall and on my hammer, Joey fires on an almost dead angel, I think you missed one, oh well mission complete.

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