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"My king our forces were attacked, by who, N.W.K or demons, it appears that Satan has brought forth demon generals to the battle". Hmmm this is most troubling, it appears that the demon lord used the last of his strength to bring in our devestation, it was hard enough trying to deal with the four new knights for the humans, now we need to summon the four best archangels. But my king there hasn't been any new archangels for a long time now."that is why we need to find new worthy worriors. The king of angels uses some clairvoyance to find anyone who would be of pure will. There that one, he will be one of our archangels, his name is Sean? "Alright let's bring him to the citadel, oh and find these other three while I'm talking with this one." As you wish my king", and in an instant he vanished into golden dust. "Goddamn where is Ryan he hasn't come home for a month now, doesn't he know that our parents would be worried about him and that I am hungry since he's supposed to be cooking tonight, ugh I tried calling him but he won't answer". Then out of nowhere a bright light filled the room blinding him for a few seconds, after his eye sight returned to him he spots a tall brown haired man in a white suit. Hello, are you Sean? Yes, who are you? I'm here on the behalf of the king of angels to bring you to the citadel, and make you an archangel. Why me? Because the king sees great will within you and wants you to be one of our protectors. Do you know where my brother Ryan is? No we do not, now before you decide I should warn you that if you want to join us then you will be participating in a war with three others just like you, against two armies, demons and humans. Why are you fighting the humans and we will tell you in time, so what is your choice but your life will change once you decide. Fine I will go with you only because I have nothing else really to do, also do you guys have any food? "Yes we will provide substances to you, now let's be off", Sean and the man both disappeared in an instant leaving no trace behind. So umm where are we? We are in the citadel, now just walk right through here, as the doors slowly opened into a bright marble room the king himself sits on a throne in the middle of the room and around him was three others in the room one is them was wearing a cloak, covering their face, the second one was wearing a trench coat with white helmet, the third one looked like a girl with black hair but was wearing a mask so he couldn't tell who it was. Who are you guys? these are the other archangels whom will be assisting you in battle, now step forward, as he walks into the room as the door slowly closes behind him, he looks up spotting the man with one of those rings above his head and his golden wings shining through the room, Sean sat down in a chair at a table with the other three." Alright now that everyone is here let's begin the ritual, a ritual for what"? To transform you all into the protectors you have all been chosen to be, now let's begin. They all rise from their seats and listen as the king spoke in a language that Sean couldn't understand, he could feel something in the air around him. Do you four vow your life into protecting the high heavens and the citadel from both the evil forces of the demon realm and the human world, I do (the four), do you swear to strike with your blade in the name of will and all angels everywhere, I do (the four), then I the king of angels hear by claim you four as archangels. The room brighten and some sort of light had appeared, blinding him completely but he could feel massive amount of energy enter his body, the time he got his vision back he knew he had changed, he looked down at him self spotting that he was wearing white armour with golden lining all over, he was no longer human but reborn as a protector. Now you four are ready to face the two armies, welcome to the three species war.

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