Part 18 : Back To Mortal World

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After the meeting with Ru Xue in lotus pond, Lei Jian went to his room. He consider to follow Ru Xue's plan. Soon he back to God's and Goddesses mansion. Over there, he go back to Xie Yuan's chamber. Xie Yuan greet him.

"Greetings." Said Lei Jian.

"You already comeback? That's so quick. Welcome!" Said Xie Yuan.

"Yeah.." Said Lei Jian.

"So, what's your answer?" Ask Xie Yuan.

"I have to turn down your offer." Said Lei Jian.

"Alright. Don't regret your choice~ I hope you find another way to bring back her memories." Said Xie Yuan.

"Yes. Thankyou." Said Lei Jian bowing down to him.

"You are welcome." Said Xie Yuan.

"May I ask one more thing..." Said Lei Jian.

"Yeah, sure.." Said Xie Yuan.

"What realm she will be born in...?" Ask Lei Jian.

"Mortal." Said Xie Yuan, smiling.

"Thankyou.." Said Lei Jian, bowing to him once again and leave.

After that small talk, Lei Jian left his chamber and back to his room. That day after their meeting Xie Yuan finally write Li Hua's name on his Birth books.

The next day Lei Jian finally have a meeting with Ru Xue in a restaurant.

"Tell me, what plans do you have?" Ask Lei Jian.

"We will go to the mortal world!~" Said Ru Xue, while she is eating the chicken leg. There is a chicken leg in both of her hands.

"Then..?" Ask Lei Jian.

"We will search her presence using some of the soul in that bottle.." Said Ru Xue again, now she is chewing the chicken leg.

"And...?" Ask Lei Jian again.

"If we found her on time and she is still in the stomach of a pregnant woman, we only need to put her soul to the woman's food or water and let her eat or drink it. But, if we found her already a newborn baby, we have to put her soul in a milk that the newborn baby gonna drink, but in here, the percentage of her old memory going to be back again is smaller, since she already have a fully new memories and being born in a new world there is a new face that she will see for the first time, example the mother and her new families. There also might be a turbulence on her mind if we force to put the soul into the new born baby, when she grow up later, the memory will be mixed, and it might haunt her." Said Ru Xue.

"Then.. we need to act quick. 1 day in heaven realm how many day it is in Mortal world?" Ask Lei Jian.

"No worries only a week.." Said Ru Xue. Still eating the chicken leg.

"Alright I'll go now! Thanks." Said Lei Jian.

"Wait!! I'll go too!!" Said Ru Xue.

"No. You stay here. I can go there by myself." Said Lei Jian.

"You sure?" Ask Ru Xue.

"Yes I am. I already live in Mortal world for hundred even thousand years." Said Lei Jian.

After that Ru Xue, take out a hand mirror and give it to him.

"Here, if you need help, just talk to that mirror, so we can interact and I can help you~" Said Ru Xue.

"Thanks. I will leave now. Here, take all this gold, I'm paying all those chicken leg for you." Said Lei Jian, putting a bag of gold to the table.

"Thankyou and see you~" Said Ru Xue, she waves to him while still there eating and Lei Jian already left the restaurant.

Now Lei Jian is meeting with Wei Xue. Over there he explain everything that Ru Xue's told him.

"Hm.. so that's it.." Said Wei Xue.

"Yes.." Said Lei Jian.

"Then if it's failed, the effect is like what Shang Xi had?" Ask Wei Xue.

"What happened to her?" Ask Lei Jian.

"I ever heard her mumbling alone about her bad dreams that keeps coming to her near the river. So I give her some advice." Said Wei Xue.

"Then I mustn't failed now.." Said Lei Jian.

"Yes. I'm praying the best for you.." Said Wei Xue.

"Thankyou, master." Said Lei Jian.

After that, Lei Jian back to Mortal world. He went to an inn and live there. How to search for Li Hua's presence? Well, the soul inside the bottle will glows and guide Lei Jian to it. It will glow so bright and brighter than before when it's already found her presence.

to be continued........

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