Part 15 : God Of Birth

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Next day Lei Jian and Wei Xue went out to search for the God of Birth. While They are walking to search for the God of Birth, they also chatting with each other.

"Master, I want to ask something.." Said Lei Jian.

"Sure, go.." Said Wei Xue.

"Actually, I'm curious why Li Hua's soul end up in Shang Xi's body, not Li Qi's body? Not to mention, from what Shang Xi's tell me about Li Qi, Li Qi's life's line in Demon Clan is actually the same as Li Hua. Li Hua is a mortal right, it's same with Li Qi. I'm still confused how her soul end up in Shang Xi's body.." Ask Lei Jian.

"Well, there is a possibility that, it's because Li Qi was born earlier than Shang Xi. When Li Hua is dead, it's the same time as when Shang Xi was born. That's why, her soul is accidentally following the demon clan back to their place and found a new body that just born." Said Wei Xue.

"Then who is Li Qi? Although her personality is far away different from Li Hua, but how can she resemble Li Hua's appearance 99%?" Ask Lei Jian.

"Have you heard? In life there are 7 people which will have the same appearance like us and the 7 of them won't be having the same personality with each other." Said Wei Xue.

"Then what about their same life's line? Both are the same mortal..." Said Lei Jian.

"From that 7 people which have the same appearance, some are having the same life line like the other, some might be different. That is life. It works randomly and unexpected." Said Wei Xue.

"Alright... Thankyou master for the enlightment." Said Lei Jian.

While they chatting and walking, they finally arrived in the Mansion of Gods and Goddesses. It has a straight and big path. Left side is for the Gods and right side for the Goddesses. The chamber is written the name of the God on the upper front of every door. Every chamber has a different door and style. There is a chamber which has a garden and a pond in front of their room, there is also a chamber which has their own statue and praying stuff like a temple in mortal world, another have their favorite animals stay inside accompanying them. There is even a Goddess who own a shop in their own chamber selling a stuff from mortal world and a God that is playing a traditional game inside their chamber with other God and Goddesses, and etc. But the most funniest one is a God and Goddess that really looks like a 5 years old child, they ate a traditional candy while running around happily inside their own chamber and play together.

"Wait... Is that even a God?" Ask Lei Jian confused, while looking at the two Kids running around happily with a candy on their hands.

"Yes, they are." Said Wei Xue.

"But.. they are just 5 years old...." Said Lei Jian.

"Usually when they go out to mortal's world, their appearance become an adult like us. But in here they are mostly using that Child appearance. Up till now, I still don't get it why they do that." Said Wei Xue.

While they walk, Lei Jian finally take a look at the right side. There he saw some Goddesses. There is a Goddess doing a make up in her own chamber, there is also a Goddess sewing, studying, playing with her own pet, singing, painting, dancing, playing musical stuff, etc. But the most surprisingly one, there is this one Goddess who is dancing and she saw Lei Jian, then she suddenly blinking her right eye to him and smile, then she continued dancing again. Lei Jian turn his face away from her.

"Here we are." Said Wei Xue. He stop walking and look at the left side, following Lei Jian which also stop.

They both are standing in front of a chamber, with a brown door. There is a tag in the upper side, it is written God of birth.

"We have arrived.." Said Lei Jian.

They both get inside the chamber, Wei Xue leads him. There can be seen a pair of peacock resting in the yard in the left and right side. It has a very pretty tails, it has a white fur on his body and Golden tail to show off. It's like welcoming everyone who gonna go inside. Meanwhile when they arrived inside the room, the room was really big, there is alot of shelf like in a library, the scroll is put inside the shelf neatly. If it can be count, maybe there are a thousand of scroll inside the shelf. Meanwhile there is a table in the middle, there, sit a God, doing the job, writing the name of people who gonna born and exist in the mortal world and even demon realm.

to be continued.....

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