Chapter 4 : The Creator of the Universe

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Percy Jackson.

The guy who left earth 592 years ago to start a new life.

The guy who spent more than a century training how to be an assassin and master his powers.

The guy who never showed emotions.

The guy whose assassin name was feared all over the universe.

The guy who took a silent oath to never speak until he found true love and happiness once again.

The guy whose eyes looked shattered beyond repair.

Percy Jackson.

Suddenly, a strong presence was felt behind him and he immediately flicked his hood and mask on.

He was confused.

As far as he knew only he knew about this place.

He took down the magic barrier and saw the silhouette of a man who looked rough about 6'8.

His gaze narrowed and stood there, hand on his sword.

The message he sent was clear.

Come out and show yourself before I attack you and slice you to bits.

But when the person walked out of the shadows, it was NOT what he expected at all.

Standing in front of him was a really handsome male.

He had pale skin and midnight black hair streaked with silver.

What was stunning were his eyes.

They changed from obsidian black to a dark blue, mixing purple in and star like dots that flickered around. It was like the whole universe were in them.

He looked 18 years old like Percy, wearing a black shirt and jeans.

He didn't realise he was staring until he spoke.

"You done checking me out?"

His deep and melodious voice brought Percy immediately back into reality.

He just looked at the man, emotionless and cold. He tilted his head, asking the silent question of who he was.

The man laughed. It sounded beautiful and majestic.

Chaos POV
"I finally don't get recognised for once! I am Chaos, creator of the universe blahblahblah. I've seen some of your assassinations, what's your real name?"

You see, I've been trying to find him for the longest time. He first caught my eye 473 years back. I had just had another report of another evil ruler being killed for 5 days in a row. And when I checked to see who the assassin was, all the descriptions say he's a 6'3 man who wear a black and navy cloak, known as the Silent One, or the Shattered Phoenix.

I asked around and after centuries found out that he like spending his free time in the forests of Neblós.

When I appeared on the planet, I saw a wall of purple obstructing my view. Just as I was about to destroy it the wall shimmered and disappeared.

In front of me was a 6'3 man that matched the descriptions perfectly. From what I could see, he had a strong jawline and tan skin. I could only see his lips, but he looked hot. Hand on his sword and demanding me to come out, I slipped out of the shadows causing him to stare at me.

And that's where our conversation started.

He blankly stared at me before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a scroll. He tossed it to me and I opened it up only to see it blank.

Until purple words appeared on the paper.

'I don't use my real name anymore. I either go by Σπασμένος Φοίνικας or the Silent One.'

"Why don't you talk? Also, I've been tracking you down for almost 5 centuries. How are you still alive, and what's that ring on your finger?"

I noticed a delicate and interestingly designed ring sitting on his index finger. The ring itself was purple, but swirling around it were flames and a white mist.

He flicked his hand and it extended, turning into a beautiful double bladed sword. One side was pitch black wreathed in flames whilst the other side was purple and wreathed in white mist. It was beautiful.

'Home.' New words appeared on the paper. 'The sword's name is home.'

'I took a silent oath long ago. I was made immortal before I traveled the universe. If you want to know, I was from earth. But that's not my home anymore. It stopped being home a long time ago.'

'The sword was a gift from my mothers before I left.'

'See you soon.'


I looked up, and he was gone, where he stood, was a wisp of white mist dissipating into the air.

I swear to uncover who this was and what happened to this poor guy.

Hope you enjoyed! Stay safe during this pandemic and stay hydrated:)

Also, I do NOT own PJ. Rick Riordan does.

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