Chapter 13 : Mythic

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I then flew off the mountain, shifting back into a wolf before disappearing into mist to a random planet. I needed a break, and the stress of the last couple centuries are starting to catch up on me.

Percy POV

I landed on a planet and looked around. I was in a forest, and it was lush a beautiful. I stretched my legs and began to run.

The cool morning air was fresh, and I felt free of all the worries that I built up in the past centuries. Running made me felt free, and I enjoyed it through and through. No more worrying about the Gods, no worrying about the betrayal, and no worrying about stupid feelings that get me to go crazy.

I breathed in the fresh air, enjoying the wind as it whistled past me. I closed my eyes, letting my senses take me when—


I was flung onto the ground on my side. A person was lying on the ground next to me, groaning, and when he lifted his head up and opened his eyes, my heart immediately filled with dread.


I then used my senses and realised that I was on the first planet ever created.

The planet Chaos resides in.

Planet néa dimiourgía.

I was about to Mist travel away when I realised I was still in my wolf form. Chaos thought I was dead, so there is no way he would know who I am. But not to take risks, I was about to bolt away when Chaos stood up and walked over.

Chaos POV

I was taking a daily walk in the forest near my palace, thinking about the war that was a about to come when I collided into a thing that was travelling at the speed of sound. I was knocked onto thee ground, temporarily stunned by the impact.

When I looked up, I saw a beautiful snowy white wolf standing up, staring at me. It was a beautiful wolf, with green and yellow glowing lines wrapping around its front left and right hind paws.

But the most beautiful thing about the wolf was its eyes. A beautiful sea green eye with flickering orange flames, and a beautiful deep purple with swirling white mist. The wolf tensed, about to run away when I slowly stood up and edged towards the wolf. The wolf snarled and glared at me, but I still slowly reached forward and scratched it in the ears. The wolf glared at me for me while and slowly softened, settling back down in the grass.

Percy POV

Chaos slowly edged toward me. Being a wolf, I naturally acted on my instincts—snarling and growling. But he ignored me and continued coming towards me, eventually settling a hand on my head and started scratching me affectionately. I glared at him, unused to anyone giving me affection apart from Adrianne.

Well, since I'll never have my shot with Chaos as a human, might as well bond with him as a wolf.


Besides, it help with my feelings that I try so hard bottling up...

I guess I can give it a try.

I began to settle in the grass, affectionately staring at him. I hadn't felt this content a happy all these centuries. I couldn't even remember the last time I had cracked a smile. And the last time I actually was filled with pure joy, was with her. Before the Giant War. Always on my face was in an emotionless mask, or crying from the emotions that have been bottling up for years. Every person has their limit, and I was teetering over the edge of depression and insanity every single day. It was only Dionysus' blessing that kept me going. Though I feel like I was hanging by threads, and each thread counted down my days before my fall to insanity.

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