
211 3 14

‼️ TW : pedophilia/rape hints, awkward/suggestive quotes, drugs, trauma
It is not really described but it's still here so PLEASE DO NOT READ if you're uncomfortable with those topics especially the rape one.

Inosuke was in his room, alone on his bed. He was thinking about the conversation Genya told him about. A sentence wouldn't go out of his mind. "He's in love with Kanao."

Inosuke scoffed nervously. "Sure. So what all of that meant for you ? Nothing ?" he wished he could ask Tanjiro but just thinking of him was driving him mad. He felt the tears reaching his eyes and he kindled a blunt. He had given all of his marijuana to Genya but he bought more after the other's visit. He opened the window and started smoking with the wind fondling his face and blowing away the smoke.

He decided to change his mind by skateboarding. The weather was nice and he needed some air anyway. He finished his drug and headed to his favorite place.
He walked towards the track he usually went to, his board under his arm. He couldn't reach it because of the disgusting view he had.

Tanjiro and Kanao. Living their best lives in the place HE used to bring his ex boyfriend. Anger started filling him, he couldn't even have a single great time without Tanjiro ruining everything. He contained himself and started walking away when he got interrupted.

-"Hey Ino.. It's been a long time !" someone grabbed his shoulder which made him jumped.
He turned and faced Douma who had a large smile on his face.
-"Piss off. Don't talk to me.
- Are you alright ? Your eyes are red...
- I just smoke."
Douma gave him a sad look and suggested to go to his place. Inosuke noticed Tanjiro saw him and so was looking at them. He accepted the adult's suggestion and followed him until his house.

When they reached the door Inosuke stopped and said :
-"Ok now I'll just go. 'Don't want to spend time with you.
- Whaaat ? Ow come on, I have some weed inside." Douma smirked as he saw Inosuke's eyes widening.
-"Ugh just few minutes then, it's already late."

They both came in and the boar boy discovered a messy and dark house. It was really small and so he felt choked by all those dirty walls.

They proceeded in the kitchen which was more luminous.
-"You can sit down !" the blond man smiled, showing a chair around a round table.
Inosuke nodded and sat.
-"So ? Can I smoke maybe ??
- Sure sure, just wait a bit. You should drink before." he put a glass of water in front of the blue boy.
Inosuke rolled his eyes but still drank the contents of the glass. Douma smiled at him.
-"Alright alright, don't you feel better ?
- Only when you give me that dawn blunt.
- You're so impatient ! I like that dominating side..." he stood up to get what Inosuke wanted.
The blue boy ignored that last creepy sentence.

A minute later, Inosuke already had the blunt on his lips and the smoke getting out of his nose. He leaned his head backward as he started seeing blurred, his head turning due to the drug he was smoking.
-"Ugh shit... You weren't kidding that's good..." he mumbled.

Douma stood up and grabbed the blue boy's arm.
-"Get up."
Inosuke couldn't even move as he was too high. At least that's what he thought but it felt like there was something else... The adult pulled him strongly but the boy fell on the ground, his members not responding anymore.
-"Ow look at you, poor vulnerable creature..." Douma was showing a big smile.
Inosuke wanted to tell him to "shut the fxck up" but nothing could go out of his mouth.

He felt the cold floor slipping under him and a strength pulling him on something soft and smooth. He heard the other's voice whispering things but couldn't understand anything. His eyes closed.

•             •              •

Inosuke woke up. He felt weird. He needed to shower. He stood up but immediately fell. His legs were hurting a lot. He tried to get up and difficultly got to the bathroom. He reached the sink and passed some water on his face.

The first time I fell in love {Inotan}Where stories live. Discover now