𝒊𝒊𝒊. diver down, fool

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the hms pogue chugged along the marsh, passing multiple docks, most of which held small groups of people whom were already clearing the mess created by the storm. the three pogues were making their way to heyward's dock, where they all knew pope would be; being forced to help clean their piece of the marina. john b was in charge of steering the boat, it was pretty much his job at this point; jj examined each vessel that they sailed past, and marina lay in her bikini on the bow of the boat, allowing for the post-storm sun to slowly tan her skin.

"hey, miss amy! you guys get through it?" jj yelled to the blonde woman who was clearing her dock of debris.

"still here." amy shrugged, continuing what she had been doing.

"she totally looked at me." jj bragged, looking down to john b for a look of approval.

marina peered at jj over the top of her sunglasses, "highly doubt it."

in the distance she could already see pope, his hunched over figure helping his father to wash their dock from any mess that was caused by the storm – to anyone else this may have looked wholesome, but marina knew the boy had no say in the matter. as they got closer to the dock, marina draped her shirt over the paraphernalia that she had discarded on one of the benches; if heyward saw it he would certainly flip his shit considering he'd already labelled them as 'bad influences'.

"well, look who we have here." jj whooped, instantly receiving a sharp pinch from marina.

john b chuckled, beginning to mimic talking into a radio, "we have a safety meeting, attendance mandatory."

"i can't." pope stated, looking over to his father who had wandered away from the group. "my pop's got me on lockdown."

"come on man." jj said, beginning to mimic the static that john b had done before, "your dad's a pussy, over."

"oh i heard that you little bastard." heyward exclaimed, pointing at jj with annoyance.

"we need your son." john b yelled.

"yeah, and island rules... day after a hurricane is a free day." jj shrugged, clearly having made the rule up on the spot.

"who the hell made that up?" heyward questioned, looking at the kids in front of him knowingly.

"erm, pentagon i think. we have security clearance, i have a card." jj continued to lie, earning himself an elbow to the ribs from marina.

"i'll do it tomorrow." pope promised his father.

"no you won't, y'all think i'm stupid? no. no. hell no, you doin' it right now."

"come on pope." marina cheered as the boy looked at his father, then to the group standing on the boat before him, before he made the leap.

VERONA ─ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now