𝒊𝒊. agatha's a bitch

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marina awoke that morning as soon as the clock hit seven, she knew this because john b's stupid rooster had been the one to wake her up. she had opted to staying with jj, which she had only recalled after having a mini panic attack about who's body was attached to the arms that were wrapped around her torso. unfortunately for her, he was still fast asleep; small snores escaped his lips every few minutes making marina smile. sleeping was one of the few times when jj would look peaceful, not that she watched him sleep like some sort of creeper, it was just something she had noticed in the few times she had glanced at him. she supposed it was because he had nothing playing on his mind, nothing about his father, or his house, what sort of trouble he had gotten himself in. this was why, instead of waking the sleeping boy beside her she had opted to playing candy crush on her phone until he eventually did wake up. 

"morning." he groaned, stretching his arms above his head, and proceeding to rub his eyes vigorously.

"morning." marina responded, continuing to swipe away at the animated candies.

"good sleep?" he asked, his voice was much raspier than usual and marina would be lying if she said she didn't like it.

"yeah." she replied shortly.

"i hate when you play that game." he spat, snatching her phone from her hand and holding it as far away from her as he could.

"j, give it back." marina yelled, reaching over as far as she could to the point she was practically straddling the blond.

when another voice sounded the pair froze, "shit, sorry." john b yelped, jumping backwards and slamming the bedroom door closed.

"now look at what you've done." jj joked, gesturing to the bedroom door and then at marina's body which remained sat on his lap.

"what i've done?" she scoffed. "give me my phone."

as she spoke she got increasingly closer to him until the tips of their noses brushed together. jj's breathing got heavier, his eyes filled with a mixture of confusion and excitement.

"uh – mar, what are you doing?" he choked out, only receiving a shush from the girl on top of him. "okay. "

just as jj fell into her trap, she snatched her phone from his hand and leapt from the bed, scarpering for the door and bolting out into the kitchen where john b stood, adjusting one of the pictures that hung on the wall. he looked longingly at the picture containing his father big john. marina could tell from the frown on his face that it was one of those days where he couldn't stop thinking about him – she knew it was probably because of the impending dcs meeting he was due to attend later that morning. the dcs wanted to contact his uncle – his new guardian – however they'd have a tough time doing so since not even john b could get in contact with him.

"i'm sure it'll go fine." she assured patting her friends back as she moved past him.

"thanks." he muttered.

VERONA ─ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now