Chapter Two: Bewitched

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"Here you go, honey," the middle-aged waitress said, a small smile occupying her scarlet lips as she slid the glass full of thick chocolate milkshake down the oak counter top - towards the beautiful brunette who was sat peacefully, watching the world go by.

"You must have made a mistake. I didn't order this," Ruby responded slowly, furrowing her eyebrows. She raised her head slightly to peer up at the waitress, a look of confusion on her face.

"Oh I know you didn't," the waitress laughed a little before carrying on, "but that handsome young man in the booth did."

Ruby spun her dainty body around on the matching oak stool, glancing around the old diner until her dark coffee eyes landed upon an occupied booth. Sitting, very relaxed with one of his brawny arms resting on top of his seat, was the man she had met earlier today. He shot her a confident smirk.

"You again?" she questioned teasingly, unsuccessful in attempting to hide the slight delight in her voice in the process.

"Mystic Falls is a small town sweet cheeks, we were bound to run into each other again at some point," Kai answered, brimming with arrogance and audacity.

"My name is Ruby, not sweet cheeks."

"Like the precious gem," he flirted back as a reply, using his gift of boyish charm. It was this very charm that had gotten him out of quite a number of dangerous situations in the past. Nevertheless, it seemed that today luck was on the opposing side for a change; Ruby was immune to his allure.

"If you think that spouting some crap pick up line in reference to my name and buying me a chocolate milkshake will get me to crawl shamelessly into your bed, you have another thing coming," she fiercely displayed her confidence, "It's going to take a lot more than that to even get my number, never mind a night of passion."

Being a vampire, Ruby had lived long enough to experience a lot of hurt and betrayal, so much so that it changed her gradually over time. She was once a sweet, loving, innocent girl but now she has been consumed by a bitter, twisted darkness that controlled her completely. She thrived off playing games and manipulation. Deep down she knew that the age old fantasy of falling in love, having a family and living the perfect life was exactly that - a fantasy - so, if she was going to live for the rest of eternity, she was going to live life with a little spice. She liked to have fun, and games are always fun.

"Confession time... I didn't order the milkshake. That guy did," Kai nodded towards the blonde-haired, blue-eyed guy sitting in the worn out and tattered booth next to his own.

"Well the same goes to you," she acknowledged the real man who bought her the milkshake before returning her attention to Kai. There was just something about this man, this nameless, cocksure, egotistical, pompous man that fascinated and bewitched her.

A husky chuckle escaped Kai's mouth as he half mocked her, "so what do I have to do then to earn a night of passion from you?"

"Telling me your name would be a start. The rest you'll have to figure out yourself."

"My name's Kai, short for Malachai."

"Who names a kid Malachai? It's like they wanted you to be evil," Ruby's infectious giggle filled the Mystic Grill, there being a playful element to her words.

"That's what I said," he replied light-heartedly. A few moments of a comfortable silence passed before Kai's velvety voice spoke up, "why don't you ditch that milkshake and I'll buy you something a little stronger?"

A lascivious smile worked it's way across Ruby's trademark crimson lips.


Three glasses of expensive whiskey later, and the devious brunette had the man she met just four hours earlier exactly where she wanted him. Her provocative gestures and seductive tone were doing the trick. Her back was pressed against the ageing jukebox as the song that she had selected played out into the crowded diner, Kai's body pressing up against hers. His big hands were placed either side of her frame, preventing her from escaping. Ruby tilted her head to one side, allowing Kai's delicate lips to negotiate their way down her neck. He placed gentle kisses on her skin as he neared her collar bone. The silky moan that exited her arresting lips encouraged him to get rougher; his teeth nipped lightly at her skin. Kai continued to trail his sloppy kisses down to Ruby's cleavage. Once again, he nipped lightly at her flesh.

Eventually, Kai pulled himself from Ruby. He grabbed her hand. It was quite a lot smaller than his own and her ring-clad fingers fit between his perfectly. He tugged on her fragile hand, leading her out of the Mystic Grill. He was lusting after her desperately. 

Once outside, Ruby found herself being dragged down the alleyway that ran along side the popular diner. Wasting no time at all, Kai pinned her barely covered body up against the wall. The coldness of the bricks contrasted with the burning heat radiating from Ruby's body. She placed her dainty hands on Kai's shoulders, her fake nails digging into him slightly as his lips crashed against hers. The kiss was hot, and passionate, and sloppy. Electricity sparked through Ruby's veins as Kai gently placed his hand on her bare leg, progressively moving it further up until he had reached underneath her black pencil skirt. Both his index fingers simultaneously hooked onto her panties, causing Ruby to laugh in enjoyment and push him backwards. A smug smirk played upon her face.

"I told you that it was going to take more than some crap pick up line and a milkshake to sleep with me," she said, breathing a little heavily, trying to get her breath back from all the intense kissing.

And with that said, Ruby slipped out of Kai's grip and strutted off, swaying her hips sensually. Kai was left alone, aroused, staring shamelessly at Ruby's ass as she disappeared off into the night.

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