Chapter Five: Dysfunctionally Twisted

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"I swear, Malachai, if you snap my neck one more time I'll suck every last drop of blood from your veins and I'll take great pleasure in doing it," Ruby's sullen words echoed throughout the crumbling, desolate motel room as she tugged roughly on the vervain-soaked ropes. A violent burning sensation overwhelmed her bronzed flesh as she continued to battle against the potent restraints. Her attempts to ignore the searing pains that travelled through her arms at every contact with the herb-sodden ropes were to no avail; Ruby had to finally admit defeat when her weakened body could no longer withstand the torment.

"Malachai, huh?" a sadistic chuckle left Kai's perfect peach lips, "I must be in a lot of trouble if you're using my Sunday name."

"Vervain, really?" she questioned through gritted teeth, still enraged.

"Does this whole snapping the neck business wipe your memory or are you just forgetful? I told you that you were my leverage. Stefan and Damon are hardly likely to rush to your rescue if I keep you in a nice, comfortable five star bed and breakfast somewhere with Egyptian silk pillow cases and a constant supply of blood bags now, are they? By the sounds of things, I would be doing them a favour." A callous smirk plastered across Kai's face, taunting Ruby.

Anger seethed from the petite brunette. The young Gemini witch's word provoked an unexpected response from Ruby; her bright mocha eyes transformed into a deep charcoal black and, similar to colour, all emotions were drained. She bared her glimmering, razor-like fangs at him - her entire body radiating the intense fury that she was feeling. The cruel sneer that occupied Kai's smug face quickly disappeared. He took a few slow, but cautious, steps backwards to ensure he was safely out of Ruby's grasp. He was still in control of the situation, but only just. Without the vervain-soaked restraints, he'd be a lifeless mound of skin and bone in a matter of seconds.

"Say cheese," his arrogant voice filled the box-like room as he captured a candid photograph of the extremely irked monster in front of him, before sending it via text message to the elder of the Salvatore brothers. He continued to taunt the already fuming vampire, masking the slight fear that wisely remained inside his head.

The desire to regain complete control burned deep inside of Ruby. She utterly despised being weak, being powerless, being vulnerable. Every inch of her being helplessly yearned for the satisfying high of calling the shots; she thrived off domination and the situation she had found herself in was frustrating her to no end. She was frantic and desperate to regain the domineering role in their dysfunctionally twisted relationship as this was where she was most comfortable.

"So are you going to take these bastard ropes off me now? You got what you wanted," she queried, her tone considerably less threatening.

"No chance, sweet cheeks," Kai laughed softly, "You were threatening to drain me of my blood less than five minutes ago. I know better than to let loose a vampire with the extreme urge to turn me into a blood flavoured slurpee."

"I preferred it when you called me princess," Ruby mumbled lowly as a response, earning a proud, but arrogantly smug, smirk from the malevolent Malachai.

"I never had you down as one for tea parties and tiaras," he mocked.

"I never had you down as one for being stupid. Keeping me tied up will only piss me off more. Let me go," she demanded, becoming increasingly frustrated with her powerless position.

"Only if you promise to play nice."

"What are you talking about? I always play nice." Her voice was innocent, and almost convincing.

"You didn't play nice that night at the Mystic Grill, when you left me without release," Kai raised his eyebrows, signalling his uncertainty about Ruby.

"Yeah, well I had places to go and people to see."

Kai rolled his blue-grey eyes as he reluctantly loosened the potent ropes enough for Ruby to slide her dainty hands free. She carefully rubbed the blistered red skin where the vervain restraints had dug into her wrists, watching as - on cue - she healed.

Her chocolate eyes slowly peered up and bore intensely into his. For a few seconds they both remained silent and still. That was until Ruby forcefully launched herself at the handsome-looking man, at an inhuman speed. Before Kai could even begin to comprehend what was going on, he was pinned down on the bed, Ruby holding him down with her inhuman strength. Her razor-like fangs once again made an appearance and they seemed to be getting closer and closer to his neck. She couldn't help but focus on the blood pulsating in his veins. She pined so desperately for just a taste. One drop. That was all she needed to satisfy the insatiable hunger she was experiencing. She ran her tongue along her peach-toned lips hungrily. Her glistening fangs grazed over Kai's neck, just above the artery she so passionately wanted to devour.

However, there was just something inside of her that forbade her from sucking him dry. She was unsure of what it was, but it was definitely strong enough to stop her from killing him; something that she had done many, many times previously and never had a second thought about. She knew that she had to distract herself from the starvation pains, and there was only one way to do that.

Her lips crashed against Kai's in a passionate and lust-filled fury. Her small hands gripped tightly onto his soft slogan t-shirt, crumpling up the fabric whilst doing so. The temperature in the room rapidly rose at least 100 degrees. Ruby allowed Kai's large hands to roam her barely-clad body shamelessly. The feeling of his slightly sweaty palms making their way along her inner thigh sent shock waves of electricity coursing through her veins. Each time his fingers inched across her olive flesh, it created minuscule sparks that ignited something much bigger in Ruby. Everything was rough and sensual and erotic. Ruby curled her fingers underneath the hem of the American Apparel t-shirt that Kai's was wearing before tugging roughly, pulling it over his head. She tore her lips from his for just a fraction of a second to discard of the unwanted item of clothing before returning to their impassioned endearment.

Before long, Kai's ripped black jeans had joined his t-shirt in being strewn across the dirty brown carpet, along with the champagne silk night gown that Ruby was once wearing. All that remained now was the thin pieces of material covering their modesty, however Kai was eager for it to be gone. With one swift motion, he had slid the lacy black thong from Ruby's body and it was just another item of clothing that lay dishevelled on the motel room floor.

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