Chapter One: Devilish Smile

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"Surprise," the dark-haired man's silky voice sounded throughout the Salvatore house, accompanied by his alluring, but devilish, smile. His stance gave the impression that he was almighty and powerful as he looked down on the two people he had gotten to know so well when trapped in his prison world. His feet were shoulder width apart and his tanned hands were shoved comfortably into the pockets of his black coat. 

"Please tell me that you slipped some hallucinogenics into my bourbon and I'm having a really bad trip right now," the brusque words rolled effortlessly off Damon's tongue.

"Unfortunately not, it really is him," Bonnie spat bitterly, her revulsion towards the man staring down at her being evident in her voice and her dark chocolate eyes.

"Is that any way to welcome home your favourite sociopath after you abandoned him whilst he was bleeding in a prison world full of starved vampires?"

"Favourite sociopath?" Damon raised his eyebrows questioningly, "That would mean that we actually like you. I thought you would have gotten the hint when Bon Bon stabbed you in the back, literally."

"How did you escape, Kai?" Bonnie interrogated the man she utterly despised. She displayed a look of disgust on her face as her eyes bore intensely into his, demanding an answer from him. She was entirely repulsed by his presence and desired nothing more than this moment to be over. Any second spent enduring his company was a second too long - in her eyes.

"I could tell you that... Or I could keep that significant detail a mystery," Kai once again smirked, the heinous grin spreading across his undeniably handsome face. Dark stubble graced his perfectly sculpted jawline and extenuated the feature, the hairs above his soft pink top lip made him look older and more mature and his callous, blue-grey eyes - which were by far his most astounding feature - were two enticing pools of ice that captivated almost any woman. His remark earned him an extremely displeased eye roll from Bonnie. 

"What do you want?" Bonnie was becoming increasingly irritated by the complacent young man before her; her words were harsh as her patience was nearing empty.

"To rub it in your face that you weren't able to out smart me, obviously," Kai replied pompously. He was enjoying this way too much, he was revelling in the anger that was oozing in abundance from the young Bennett witch. "Oh, and I also came here to tell you to watch your back. That made me angry and we all know what happens when I get angry... I kill people." The same sinister sneer remained on Kai's face as the threatening words exited his mouth. Everything about his whole demeanor was calm, and that was the most unsettling thing about him.

Their little rendezvous was interrupted by the clicking of heels against the hard mahogany floor. Kai's cold eyes fixated on a pair of red Charlotte Olympia's. As his teeth sunk gently into his bottom lip, his eyes gradually travelled up the long pair of tanned legs. His light blue eyes eventually came across a tight black pencil skirt, which he more than appreciated the way it hugged her voluptuous curves. Continuing upwards, his eyes explored the rest of her body. It would be an understatement to say that he enjoyed the fact that the shirt she was wearing was low cut. Extremely low cut. Slowly, he licked his lips, finally reaching her face. She had a tanned and perfectly clear complexion. Her soft and plump lips were a striking shade of crimson. Finally his eyes met hers. He stared directly into her mocha pools for what felt like an eternity.

Kai was brought out of his explicitly risqué daydreams by an obnoxious cough, courtesy of Damon. The role of the over-protective older brother came natural to both Damon and Stefan, despite it being retired for just over half a century.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?" Ruby prompted her brother, her eyes attached to the tall man before her as a flirtatious smile occupied her beautiful face.

"No, he's trouble. Even for you," Damon responded.

However, little did he know that his reluctance to allow his sister to be acquainted with the tall, dark and handsome stranger only urged her to get herself involved with him even more. Ruby was never one to follow the rules, believing that all rules were made to be broken. She loathed to be told what to do, despising being given orders. She lived her life how she wanted to, regardless of whether it was acceptable or allowed. She especially hated being mollycoddled by her older brothers. She viewed this as her opportunity to rebel and defy, something she was an expert in. It was exceptionally enticing to her in this instance as it was an excuse to rile her brothers.

"It sounds like you've got yourself a reputation," Kai spoke up, his voice low and husky.

"Maybe," Ruby replied, "You'll just have to wait and see, won't you?"

Damon was beginning to become outraged. Despite what she had done in the past, and despite being old enough to live her own life, Damon felt as though it was his duty to keep Ruby from anything bad or dangerous. This included Kai. He could already sense something brewing between them, and he was less than happy about it. More so because the chemistry was indisputable.

In less than a second, Damon had forcefully shoved Kai up against the wall and had him pinned against it. Kai was no match for Damon's brutish strength and speed. 

"Stay away from my sister," Damon warned. His words were strong and it was conspicuous that he meant them. 

Kai held his hands up in defence, "Alright. I'll stay away from her."

"Good. Now get out of my house." 

Damon slowly released Kai from his grip before backing away. The look on his face made it clear that he didn't approve of the friendship between the homicidal sociopath and his baby sister. Kai straightened out his jacket before exiting the room, but not before turning back to Ruby and shooting her an inviting wink.

"Stay away from him, Ruby. I mean it," Damon commanded.

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