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The obnoxious ringing of the doorbell sounded throughout the house. Damon's eyes slowly opened, being awakened by the incessant cries of the doorbell that was begging to be answered. Using his infamous but also oddly charming sarcasm, he shouted from the lounge area of the house, "I might just be plucking this from out of thin air, but I think there may be somebody at the door." He earned an unamused roll of the eyes from his younger brother.

A few seconds later, Stefan had made his way from the kitchen to the hallway. He pushed down on the cold metal handle before opening the door wide enough to see who was bothering them so early in the morning. As soon as his hazel eyes landed on the petite, dark-haired girl a wave of shock rushed throughout his body.

"Damon... You'll never guess who's come knocking on our door," Stefan's husky voice filled the large house, earning the intrigue of a number of their house guests.

"If it's another Jehovah's Witness, I call dibs," Damon replied, showcasing his surly wit.

"I didn't knock, I rang the doorbell," the familiar trait of sarcasm echoed through the house, causing the arrogant smirk plastered across Damon's face to be wiped clean off.

"Lo and behold, if it isn't Ruby Salvatore... What do you want? What kind of trouble have you got yourself into this time?" 

"And what makes you think I'm in any kind of trouble?" Ruby attempted to make herself sound as innocent as she could, "Can't I call in to see the only family that I have left without being accused of getting into trouble?"

"Because the last time we saw you, you were on the run from Kol Mikaelson," Damon stated.

"Don't forget the time before that, when you were being hunted by the travellers for stealing one of their artefacts," Stefan chipped in.

"Well," Ruby began, "this time it's different. I'm not in trouble. I've been a good girl for the past 56 years."

"Please, your middle name is trouble. It's on your birth certificate, I changed it," Damon's signature smirk reappeared.

"You've not changed one bit. You're still a sardonic bastard that stinks of bourbon," the satire dripped off her poisonous tongue.

"And you're still trouble."

"Are you going to get my bags and let me inside or what? Because the cab driver still has the meter running and I told him that you were paying my fare."

"I've got it," Stefan once again chipped into the conversation. 

Ruby smiled at Stefan angelically before entering the Salvatore, and friends, residence.

"Who is she?" Elena's soft voice piped up as she stood up from the bottom step of the old, wooden staircase.

"My little sister," Damon replied, never once taking his suspicious eyes from his estranged sister.

"You never told me that you had a sister..." Elena frowned.

"Oops, it must have slipped my mind."

"And who's this?" Ruby folded her arms across her chest, nodding her head towards Elena.

"This is Elena, my girlfriend. Elena meet trouble, trouble meet Elena," Damon introduced Ruby to his lover.

"My name's actually Ruby, but he likes to have that cute nickname for me. It's how he shows his love towards me."

Elena laughed, immediately seeing the resemblance between her boyfriend and the little sister that he had been keeping a secret from not only her, but everybody.

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