Chapter 9 - Lost

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The dragon woke up with a start. 

"Where am I?" he wondered aloud. Dark, frost-covered trees surrounded him.

"Who am I?"

The dragon was suddenly scared. What am I doing here?  He got to his feet, and started walking aimlessly in one direction. A pool of icy water lay in front of him. He stared down at the water, trying to remember something, anything. A familiar figure greeted him with bright green eyes, large black ears and a white chest.

"Ruffrunner." said the dragon. That was his name. "Ruffrunner."

It sounded familiar, saying the name gave him a warm, cozy feeling. Like he was back at home. The feeling vanished. Home. He didn't know where home was, but he had memories of it. Pink and orange crystals, clear lakes and lush forests. 

He made up his mind. He didn't know where home was, but he certainly wouldn't stay in this freezing place. Spreading his small wings, he took off. But suddenly, sharp pain flashed through his tail and he collapsed back onto the ground. A metal contraption, a giant mouth full of hungry teeth was clamped tight around his tail. Pulling didn't get him anywhere, it just made it hurt more. 

Ruffrunner took a few deep breaths and studied the trap. It was connected to a tree by a chain, which he blasted. It broke, and he tried blasting the trap, but it didn't break. The freezing wind bit under his scales, he couldn't stay out here for long. There was a cave to his left, which he could use as shelter.

He tried to pull the trap to the cave with his jaws, but he couldn't get a grip. Gritting his teeth, he crawled towards the cave, pulling the heavy contraption behind him. Tears sprang to his eyes as the teeth dug deeper into his tail. At last he reached the cave, where he curled up into a ball to wait out the blizzard. 

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