i fucked up. (TW attempted su¡c!d3)

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Travis' pov:

When I get home I'm happier than normal, I got sals number! I guess knowing I actually have someone isn't that bad. Well. I was happier until I saw father standing there, my diary in his hand.



"What in gods name is this boy?!"

"W-where did you get that?."

"What? Thought you'd be sneaky and hide it in with your school books!? Travis. Boy. Answer me. What. Is. THIS!!??"

He yells in a fit of anger.


"F-father please..." I say chocking back on tears "please I never ment to feel this way i-i-" I was cut off by a hard pain on my cheek and the person who is suppose to be my father slaps me.

"Don't you DARE come to me saying you never ment to. You did have a choice. God. Or. Sin. You clearly made your mind up on what you chose Travis. You. You are no longer my son. You may stay under this roof but as far as I know, you are no longer, in my eyes or gods, a phelps." He throws my diary at me, "And I see you've picked up old habits." He says hinting to my arms, "Good. You deserve it. All sins deserve suffering."

I pick back up my book and run to my room sobbing, my eyes red and puffy, my cheek swollen, I'm surprised he didn't do more but I know this isn't the end of it.


I fucked up....

Big time.

I smile as I sob into my pillow, slowly getting up and throwing some pj's on, then going to the bathroom. I know what I have to do. I deserve it. I'm a disgusting f@g who doesn't deserve love. Who doesn't deserve anything.

If you can't tell, attempted su!c!d3 will be in the next scene, Skip if you will be triggered.

I grab my phone. This won't be a nice first message, will it?..

You- hey Sally face.

Sally <3- Hey blondie, what's up?

You- I just, you know, wanted to thank you for today, and every other day, keep being amazing, k?

Sally <3- awee thx trav but weres all this coming from?

You- oh, I just, wanted to tell you that so you don't forget it. What? I can't be nice

Sally <3- no no! That's not what I'm saying its just, weird coming from you I guess

You're typing
You- sal, I'm sorry, really I am, I realise how toxic I am and I hate the way I've made you feel, how I've made everyone feel. That's why I'm putting a stop to it, it may not work, I'll probably chicken out, like usual but I just hate how I've made the people around me feel and ill take it as punishment to myself. That's it I guess. If I'm at school tommorow, please don't talk to me, please, I probably chickened out and I hate to think about you being so nosey about what happened or why I'm doing what I'm doing, just keep being you if I don't make it, alright sal?

Sally <3- Travis. What are you saying?!

You went offline

Sally's Pov:

Trav-chav♡ went offline

Fuck! What is he planning?! shit shit shit I need to go to his house. Now. I know about where he lives. I see him walk down there on my way to school and see in leave this house.

Why?! He was fine a few hours ago! Maybe he's joking. It's a cruel joke if it is but still.

I start blowing up his phone with concern

You: Travis?!

You attempted to call Trav-chav ♡

You- come back online please!

You- don't do this Travis I'm begging you!

You attempted to call Trav-chav ♡

You- please just talk to me

You attempted to call Trav-chav ♡

You: Travis! Please just talk to me! I want to help you just please pick up the phone!

You attempted to call Trav-chav♡

You- fine. have it your way. I'm coming to you house and I swear if you doing anything stupid.

You went offline

Travis' pov:

I hear my phone buzz and ring I ignore it and hurry to my mother's bathroom, grabbing all the pills I can find and hurry back to my room, locking the door behind me, I don't even think twice before downing one whole bottle dry, only on the second one do I feel guilty. I try my best to shake it off then down another, then another until I can't anymore, I lay on my bed as dizziness consumes me and hide to bottles, hoping that if someone bursts in,

They'll think im asleep.

(Hey, author here, sorry I haven't been updating, I've had a shit month and I couldn't take it so I took a break, I still feel shit but I'm well enough to write angst, love you all, bye <3)

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