Chapter 5

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A/N: Layla istg if ur reading this😀


The man smirked pulling the trigger.

"No!" Kate acted almost on auto pilot putting her body in front of Yelena and wrapping her arms around her and pulling her down.

Kate yelled in pain.

Yelena was too weak to register what was going on until Kate almost went limp and fell forward into Yelena's arms ", no" Yelena looked for the wound and found it on her thigh quickly putting pressure on it. Kate started blinking very slowly "Kate don't" Yelena said sternly but also shakily, Yelena tore a piece of her dress off and put it on Kate's wound as Kate winced "Kate put pressure on it, I'm taking you home" Yelena said helping up Kate and walking outside seeing her motorcycle.

"You in...a motorcycle?" Kate slurred closing her eyes then opening them quickly, Yelena didn't say anything and put Kate on the bike before saying "Don't pass out" more sternly, like an order.
Kate hearing that was suddenly more awake looking at Yelena's emotionless face as she got on the bike starting it up.

Kate was careful wrapping her arms around Yelena seeing as she was still wounded, On the ride Kate thought about what the man said.

"You should really be careful who you trust"


Yelena practically kicked the door open of Kate's old apartment and set her on the couch before disappearing to her bathroom then coming back.

Kate laid down as Yelena started to treat her wound, wincing every so often. After she finished Kate started to stitch Yelena's wound somehow feeling responsible, Yelena hasn't said anything since they left the mansion making Kate worry.

"I'm sorry" Finally Kate said wrapping the bandage around Yelena's waist, Yelena looked at her "For what?"
"I shouldn't have let this happen to you" Kate said looking up a Yelena considering she was on the floor between Yelena's legs as Yelena sat on the couch.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, I did this to myself" There was something in Yelena's voice, Yelena was talking more coldly like she didn't know Kate.

Kate opened her mouth to say something but didn't get to as Yelena stood up and walked to the kitchen grabbing pain killers and downing them with water. "I have to go but I'm coming back tomorrow" Yelena dismissed as Kate was about to protest but heard the slamming of a door.


Kate stood up and watched Yelena leave from the window. Kate then heard her phone ring on the table she limp-walked over and when she was her phone she didn't recognize the number but answered anyway.

"Kate! Hello is this Kate?"

Kate furrowed her eyebrows "....Yes this is Kate"

"Kate? Oh my god it's Beth I heard that everybody got attacked at the party, are you okay?"

Kate eyes widened how did she even get my number? But she was a little happy somebody was worried about her "Oh! Um Beth yes I'm okay"

"Okay I was just making sure"

"Um thanks for that Beth.." Kate looked around her dark apartment thinking of Yelena " It means a lot"

"Kate...are you sure your okay?"

"You should really be carful who you trust"

Kate thought about what the man said again "Yes, yeah I'm just tired you know" Kate said slightly laughing nervously. "Okay I'll believe you, good night"
"Good night Beth" Kate hung up and plopped down on her couch looking at the time on her phone 11:56 it read as Kate thought there was too much going on in her head right now and Kate needed to clear her head.

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