Chapter 6

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Yelena just sat there with her head now resting on Kate's shoulder as they sat in silence.

The sun was already up and Kate wasn't sure what time it was but her leg has started to hurt again. Kate didn't want to get up though with Yelena leaning on her.

Kate shifted slightly trying not to bother Yelena but she stoped leaning on her and Kate already missed the contact "You're leg hurts doesn't it?" Yelena said looking at Kate as she nodded slightly saying "Yea it's starting to" Yelena looked at her leg her face dimming.

She felt guilty.

Yelena thought about how Kate saved her and why.
Because she's a hero a voice In Yelena's head told her.

Kate knew what Yelena was thinking as she looked at her leg "It was for saving me first" Kate said, Yelena looked up "What?"
"I said it was for saving me first, you saved me when another bomb was thrown and then I...saved you" Kate smiled as she said that.

Yelena smiled slightly seeing Kate smile at her before looking at the time "I'll make breakfast soon then we can talk more about our situation"
"Well I'm gonna take care of my leg then I have something else to take care of after" Kate said trying to get up Yelena furrowed her eyebrows "No Kate, let me"
Yelena said getting up and coming back with the aid kit.

"So what is it you have to take care of?" Yelena asked unwrapping Kate's bandage "...Just um...stuff with my mom" Kate said, Yelena looked at her raising an eyebrow, Yelena was thinking that maybe Kate was going to ask her Mom something about there current situation and if Kate was going to it would be bad.

"Kate what are you doing?" She asked as she started putting a new bandage on Kate "Nothing I just need to see her for something"
"You know something Kate" Yelena said smirking slightly, finishing up her bandage and putting a hand on Kate's chest.

Kate felt her face heat up slightly as Yelena did that but also confused. Yelena continued "Your heart speeds up when you lie" Kate immediately grabbed her hand slightly flustered, Yelena smirked smugly.

"Fine I lied, you didn't have to do all that just to prove it" Kate said not letting her wrist go.

Yelena looked at there hands then looked back to Kate raising an eyebrow, Kate then looked too now realizing how close they were and that she was still holding onto Yelena's wrist. Kate quickly let go as a barley noticeable blush appeared on her face as she muttered a "sorry"

Yelena smiled slightly at Kate before turning serious "You can't tell you're mother about the bounty Kate"
Yelena started as Kate shook her head standing up trying to ignore her "Kate you can't. You should know why you can't tell her" Yelena said, Kate took her pills still ignoring Yelena.

Yelena decided she was going to push Kate's buttons now that she chose to ignore her "You risk us, she could be working with Fisk again. You can't trust your Mother or anyone for that matter"

Kate turned around looking at Yelena furiously "Oh yea how do I know I can trust you. That you weren't hired to kill me or whatever it is, I'm not going to my mom to figure out if she's still working with him" Kate let out a bitter laugh raising her voice "Hell I don't care if she does!" Kate felt angry, something she has been feeling a lot lately before Yelena showed up.

Yelena grabbed her arm bringing her closer "Kate"
She didn't look at her "Look at me Kate" Yelena said.
Kate slowly brought her eyes to Yelena's, Kate's jaw clenched, eyes glossy. Kate was trying her hardest to keep herself together.

"Stop, stop holding it in" Yelena said eyes softening, Kate didn't break her hardened expression making Yelena sigh not letting go of her.

"There is a bounty on her head too"
Kate's eyes widened "What?"
"There is and it's dead or alive, unlike yours being alive. Fisk probably did this just so you think that your mom is not working with him anymore"

"I have to see her" Kate said trying to walk away but Yelena still didn't let go, Kate turned saying " This isn't the time Yelena"

"Kate be careful"
Kate softened hearing that and nodded causing Yelena to let go.


The sound of the gate opening caused Kate to look up.

Kate was at prison waiting to see her mom.

Kate's mom stepped into the room with a tired expression, Kate stood up.

"Mom" she said with a slight soft tone.
"Kate" she acknowledged quickly sitting down, Kate sat down to expecting a hug like the last few times she visited her mom before the trial.

Kate's mom didn't look up when Kate studied her "Mom are you okay?" Kate asked.
Her mom smiled bitterly sarcastically saying "Yes Kate I'm quite alright in this cage with criminals"

Of course she's being like this. Kate thought looking at her mother suddenly not having the patience for her mom's shit. "You are also a criminal mom!" Kate whisper-shouted "You killed somebody" she said.

Elenor just stared at Kate guilt starting to show on her face "Look mom, I have a fucking bounty on my head because of your ex boss" Elenor's eyes widened quickly saying "Kate if your going to ask if I know something about this I don't I swear"

Kate studied her face for signs of lying but there were none. "Well I just wanted to let you know what you started because there coming after me" Kate said bitterly not wanting to mention her moms bounty.

Elenor stared with a face of guilt and defeat, "Is that why your all beat up?" She asked looking down not wanting to see what she's done to her daughter.
"Yeah it is" Kate said back.

A heavy silence settled over them.

"Kate...I know you'll always have a different way of seeing me now but just know" Elenor paused looking up meeting Kate's eyes "I still love and care for you"
Kate was about to snap back before being interrupted "You're my daughter Kate" Elenor said softly.

Kate eyes watered wishing her mom hadn't worked for Fisk and just stayed her caring mom and she still was but it was different now. She had to protect her mom.

"Good bye mom" Kate said not trusting herself to say anything else without crying.

She got up not looking at her mom anymore. Kate was about to leave when her mom called out "Be careful Kate!" Kate didn't stop walking upon hearing that.


Kate came back to her old apartment finding Yelena cleaning a dishes in the sink as Lucky kept sniffing around the kitchen grunting for the leftover food. Kate smiled slightly at the sight.

It felt nice seeing Yelena look so normal.

" was it?" Yelena said turning off the water and turning around to look at Kate. "It was...fine" Kate lied, Yelena rolled her eyes "Kate" she pressed leaning against the counter crossing her arms.
Kate sighed slightly saying "I know my mom isn't working with Fisk anymore, and I don't think she will ever again even if he threatened me or her"

Yelena stayed silent for a while as Kate looked at her waiting for her to talk. Yelena sighed suddenly "Okay but we need to really think this through"
"Think what through?" She asked.
"How we are going to protect your mom and you"
"My mom is in prison she'll be okay"
Yelena rolled her eyes walking over to the table and sitting down saying "Kate just because she is in prison doesn't mean she is safe"

"You should really be careful who you trust" Kate remembered again what the man said and realized how much it meant, Fisk he could have anyone working for him. New York was his.


A/N: I feel like it's been a long time since I've updated sorry 😅 almost lost motivation but y'all keep voting for my chapters so thank you so much I'll probably get to write a lot more next week

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