Chapter 16

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A/N: Yes guys I know it hasn't been all that spicy but trust the next chapters will start to get there 🙌 (also never been to a club so did my best to describe lmao also yes I know what the Billie song is abt I just love how it sounds and listened to it while writing)


Never had Kate thought she'd ever be at a club with a former assassin, a gorgeous one a that, and one that was her friend. But here she was.

The music blared as Yelena led Kate through the crowd in the club heading for the bar, which was to the right of the dance floor like center in the middle of the place. The lights flashing different color matching along with the rhythm of the song that was blaring through out the club.

If you think I'm pretty, lay your hands on me
Know you can't stop thinking 'bout it

The lyrics ran through Kate's head as she couldn't help but look over Yelena as she followed her, her eyes trailing down as she took in the outfit fully now that they had entered in. The tight black jeans and tight matching tank top, with a long sleeved button up over but undone, which happened to be a silk dark green.

Jesus she's so hot

Kate felt her face heat up slightly as they finally made it to the bar, her eyes glancing down at some of the rings on the assassins fingers and also took note that she still had her cuff weapons on. The bar had various people sitting or leaning against it throughout the counter, people dancing with each other on the dance floor and others around on the sidelines at single tables standing around it.

I know that you're shitty and you're bad for me
But I can't stop thinking 'bout it

The archer felt a little anxious, mainly because the moment she starts to feel alcohol she knows she will become the biggest flirt. As she fidgeted with one of her rings as she glanced around to which Yelena noticed and chuckled in amusement catching Kate's attention.

"Kate Bishop so tense" She said wrapping an arm around Kate's neck pulling her closer against her side with amusement written on her face, Kate tensed for a second before relaxing, keeping her cool now as her heart rate sped up.

"Yeah yeah shut up" She grumbled out despite resisting the urge to look anywhere but Yelena's face.

Won't you give that shit a rest?
Said you needed love
But you're only here for sex, and I'm dying to be next, kill me once before
I just come back more obsessed with you

Yelena smirk mischievously and waved the bartender over, her arm still draped over Kate's shoulder "Don't worry Kate Bishop I know you you're popular with the ladies, I won't get in your way tonight" she chuckled a glint in her eye that the archer couldn't quite figure out, the words sounded slightly dead and forced but Kate decided to let it go.

"Wow thanks 'Lena what would I do without you" the brunette teased sarcastically as she flashed a smirk at the latter. Yelena chuckled her eyes raking over Kate for a second before something came over her causing her to lean in closer towards her ear not missing how Kate's eyes went wide, a breath away as whispered "I don't know Kate what would you do?"

If you think I'm pretty, lay your hands on me
Know you can't stop thinking 'bout it

The assassin pulled back and winked before walking off into the crowd with a smirk not staying around to catch Kate's face as it reddened, a bit stunned as her eyes lingered where Yelena once stood before turning back as the bartender approached her.

Oh it is gonna be a long night


Yelena and Kate had been doing their own things for most of the night occasionally meeting eyes just to make sure the other was still there and safe.

Throughout the night Yelena had been approached by others along with Kate. The assassin always felt a strong sour feeling possess her every time a girl made the archer laugh, or every time one had done a shot with her, but she never interfered, most of the reason why she had decided to take the archer out was because she figured Kate could use some time to let loose a bit and that was all.

It had been a couple hours now and Kate was on the dance floor by now, some girl named Mina as the brunette came to know, a 5'2 shorter girl with dark curly hair and light brown skin who had been giving her extra attention dragged Kate along with her, both definitely intoxicated. The lights went blue and white as another song started, the sound filling Kate's intoxicated mind while Yelena had watched from a table, a beer in hand.

Don't be afraid of me
I'm what you need
I saw you on the screens
I know we're meant to be

Mina draped her arms on Kate's shoulders as she grinned up at her as the latter moved her hands down towards her waist.

The assassin saw everything, the same sour feeling coming back as her eyes stayed glued to Kate. Hand clenching around her beer.

I'm here around the clock
I'm waitin' on your block
But please don't call the cops
They'll make me stop
And I just wanna talk

The two started to move to the rhythm of the song seemingly lost in it as they locked eyes, Mina moving closer.

Bet I could change your life
You could be my wife
Could get into a fight
I'll say your right

The grip Yelena had on her beer tightened at the action, she'd never admit it to herself but she was jealous.

I wait on the corner til' I saw the sitter leave
Was easy getting over and I landed on my feet
I came in through the kitchen lookin' for something to eat
I left a calling card so they would know it was me

Mina got closer their body's almost touching as she started to slowly move her hips forward and back in a grind as the music continued, others in the crowd dancing as well causing the blonde assassin to lose eyesight of them before someone else walking by caught her attention causing her to do a double take.

It was Beth.

The platinum blonde walked past with a man, seeming to neither notice her or Kate, yet.

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