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The door creaked open and the air of the cool parking lot chilled away with the sudden dry heated atmosphere pulling them inside, her sweatpants drizzled with stick-on sticker gems that sparkled. the sweatpants looked cheap but they were really emitting enough light to join the stoplights putting a show on the floor to a dazzling enough extent. her tee was knotted and allowed her stomach to partially be revealed, its white silkiness in delicate folds.

they passed down across the floor passing groups of people, nearly recognizing anyone and yet so far from recognition.

she stood at a good 5'9 or lower, probably lower; he was towering behind her at nearly 7 foot and yet humbled himself at lower than that as well with his slight teeter tottering. they had walked for so long he was stumbling on his own footing, this mainly being because he had almost thrown out his back and strained his leg muscles into a spasm while she kept a light jog.

it was almost a jealousy how she managed to keep herself so much in shape, with all these missions she claimed to go on, she didn't even seem bothered by it.


they took around for a bit, the music was blaring and there was a DJ they didn't pay attention to in the sudden specific darkness of the room spinning discs. the dots and lines of the bleacher lights as everyone bumped around was starting to overwhelm him. the lights were getting in his eyes and his social battery was draining by the time he tugged her by the folds of her crop top tee.

she looked up, mouthing a question to see if she had missed some memo or if he was alright. he motioned something else and she decided to nod in agreement as they finally headed to the bathroom - he felt the intense urge and need to puke, or at least he did until he noticed the sudden climb of people in the bathroom all in a group sprawled around.

"wh-" he noticed her come in.

"it's a gender neutral bathroom." she replied blankly, noting his confusion immediately as it settled from his face with her answer.

they turned to study the others in the room, and he suddenly decided he didn't need to go.

"I thought you wanted to go to the Bathroom..?" she inquired with a furrowed brow, though she seemed too gentle about it to be mad.

he was about to speak when a few other people came in, bumped into him, and he backed into a stall with reluctant acceptance. "Yeah." he sputtered breathlessly. "yeah I guess I was."

"Poland!" She suddenly mentioned, turning away from him and causing him to give a blank, wide eyed and studying stare as he thought in silence for a moment.

"Greece." a sudden man mumbled back from across the bathroom from the stalls, he was positioned against the wall and wearing a green fur coat that was unzipped to reveal his white shirt underneath. they made eye contact for a minute like they must have known each other and eventually Greece left the side of who she came with to make a bit of conversation that... he couldn't make out.

he sighed and left it alone, only to wince and be taken aback when a bunch of teenagers entered.

"I'll meet you guys outside!" one with a latino accent spoke, it sounded to be a girl. he turned and saw her outside the bathroom wearing a sleeve of scrunchies. "Argentina's got the car going for him anyways, let's just pray to whatever God is out there that he hasn't been drinking again! I know this is a party but he LITERALLY waited outside."

too much information or not his business? he decided he couldn't tell.

another latino accent of someone about the same age. he figured they must have been teenagers. "yeah yeah! no worries Bolbol, you do your thing. I'mma just sneak real quick, do my bizz'."

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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