Chapter 6: Stage 3: Reveltions

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Penny looked into the mirror after her quick shower. She and Sheldon had just got settled into their cabin for the two-day train tours to Dallas. She had done a lot of thinking while they were transferring trains. She wasn't happy with Leonard. Sure he was sweet, but he was also very possessive. He loves to be the center of attention and whines when he isn't. He tries to control what she can do and when but she didn't understand if that is because he's controlling or insecure. Either way, it was not fair to Penny. Maybe he needs to be in a committed relationship with someone who is dependant on him or needs him more. Penny just wasn't that kind of girl. She was sure she could change that, but she loves who she is now. She doesn't really want to change.

Penny studied herself carefully. Her eyes were filled with life again. She had noticed that they had been dimming for a while now. But this trip… with Sheldon… it has brought her back to life. She could leave him to his own devices if needed and still feel like she was in his company. And sleeping in his arms… it felt like home. She felt safe and cared for. She didn't have to worry about being snuck up on as Sheldon's hearing would pick it up. She also didn't have to worry about wandering hands waking her either. Sheldon took his sleep very seriously. The study rhythm of his heart had lulled her into a very deep sleep. She was more disappointed than she should be, they had separate beds now. Penny looked at herself one last time, before exiting the bathroom.

Penny's mouth dropped open at the sight that beheld her. Sheldon was sitting on his bed in his PJ bottoms. His computer was on his lap with his fingers flying over the keys. His chest was bare and his hair was messed as if his hand had run through it a few times. Penny couldn't stop her eyes from traveling down his exposed chest. It has become more muscular and his abs more defined. Whatever he has been doing to work out, have differently helped. It took a moment for her to realize that he was on the phone.

"Was meinst du damit, dass du durcheinander bist? (What do you mean you messed up?)"

"Was hast du damit gemacht? (What did you do to it?)"

"Wie kannst du das nicht wissen? (How do you not know?)"

"Sag mir Schritt für Schritt, was du gewirkt. Ich werde dir sagen, was du falsch gemacht hast. (Tell me to step by step what you did. I will tell you what you did wrong)."

Penny sat quietly waiting until he was done with his call. She wasn't sure what he was saying but by his facial expression someone had fucked up… big time.

Penny read her magazine she had brought with her for about 20 minutes. Her eyes kept sneaking in looks at the frazzled Sheldon across from her. She had never seen him look that upset in a very long time. Not since he had come back from the Arctic.

Penny set her magazine down and left the room. She wandered around until she found the dining car. She knew there was no way either of them was going to sleep tonight. Not with how upset he is at the moment. She studied the menu for a bit before ordering two to-go trays. She also picked up a new book to read. She hated not having her phone, but she had dropped it in her scramble to get to the station without Leonard knowing.

Sheldon looked up as she reentered the room. He had noticed she had left and worried if he was bothering her. Unfortunately, there wasn't much he could do. The project he was helping with, was one that he knew no one else could fix. After all, it was his program they were using.

He smiled as he realized she got them both food and drinks. He mouthed his thanks as he went back to fixing the team's fuck up. He would have revoked the team's right to use his program if it wasn't for the leader being his old doctorate professor. He had promised the man he could try it once Sheldon finished it.

Penny simply smiled back at him as she took a seat next to him. She carefully put on a sterile set of gloves to help him set up the tray for easy consumption. She had picked him up a roast beef sandwich and baked chips. There was also some strawberries, grapes, and carrots for easy eating. Once she was done, she set the bottle of mountain dew on his other side. He grabbed her wrist as she moved to sit back on her bed.

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