Chapter 8: Penny's Surprise for Sheldon

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Penny woke the next morning to feeling relaxed and excited. They were arriving in Dallas in just a few short hours. Penny couldn't wait to meet up with everyone. And to get an actual hot, long shower. She sat up and felt the blanket shift from on top of her to her lap. She looked down only to quickly snap her eyes across the room to Sheldon. He was still asleep, only his blanket was on top of her instead of him.

"Moonpie..." she whispered softly to herself. She glanced at her new phone sitting on top of her closed laptop. She could see there were notifications on it already. "Must be the train's wifi," Penny thought to herself as she stretched out her body. She picked up the blanket from her bed and gently covered him with it.

She picked up her phone and laptop as she made her way to the dining car. She ordered herself a quick meal before settling down at a table. She quickly loaded her laptop to see if she had lost her work. What Sheldon didn't know, was that she wasn't just studying physics. She had decided to return to college but wasn't telling anyone about it. She had to be very careful to hide it. A college agent had seen her at the Rent performance she did. He offered to sponsor her schooling if she came to work for him afterward for one year. She had been putting off deciding what to do. She had decided to call him after taking Sheldon to buy his clothes. She figured, if Sheldon could change then so could she. Apparently the company is an amateur acting theater. The only thing was... she couldn't major in anything creative. She had to choose a science or business course. She had to work towards her bachelor's degree.

It wasn't a hard choice to make. Free college at her pace, a guaranteed job in acting once done, and a bachelor's degree. She jumped on it. The thing was that she wasn't sure what to major in. She wasn't into much in the way of business or administration. She had been struggling for a few days trying to decide what to choose. After last night... She knew. If Sheldon trusted her with his life's work, she could trust in his science.

Also the way he described the universe to her. All order and control but mixed with chaos to make something so beautiful. Maybe... just maybe... She could find something she loved within the field.

As she logged into the student portal, she noticed that her phone registered a new text message. "What the..." Penny muttered as she picked it up.

HDC- Hey girly, I know u won't get this right away but I am sending it to both of your phones. I am running late and won't be at the train station right away. Apparently, there was some mix up with the airport and your buddies are arriving early. They will have to stay at a hotel until the house is ready. I wouldn't even know except one of my teammates is on the flight with, and I quote, "a creepy Beatles wannabe, an Indian mocha sweetie who can't talk, and a whiny guy with glasses who keeps showing off pictures of his girlfriend with her top off" she recognized you from my pictures. Oh, and please tell me 'serial apeist' wasn't ever published? Because really? An ape Pen? Anyways I wanted to give you a heads up. See you as soon as I can get there. If I'm not there by 4, please take a cab to my house. The key is in the usual spot. Love you- Rachel

"Holy shit! I am going to kill him!" Penny was beyond pissed. The question was... which him? Leonard had no right to show that pic let alone have it and know about it. But the only way she could have gotten this text was if Sheldon had activated the service on the phone. So either he knows her password for the prepaid phone she used or he added it to his plan.

She was sure it was the second one but she didn't need him to take care of her. As her mind wheeled with anger and frustration she missed the fact someone had sat down across from her.

"Penny?" Sheldon asked quietly.

Her eyes snapped up to his. Worried blue met furious green. She watched as a shiver ran through Sheldon's body. Curious... she thought as her mind cataloged other things she never noticed before. His eyes looked worried but there was also a subtle frown on his forehead between his eyes. His beautiful lips were slightly turned down in a frown as he took in her obvious fury.

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