Chapter 10: Conversations and New Beginnings

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Rirrrr.... rirrr

Penny woke to her phone vibrating. She noted it was 6:30am as she checked her phone. A new message from Sheldon was displayed on the screen.

S- I know it is not yet 7am. Which is your normal jogging time, but I thought you would like to experience something with me. Walk outside and look up.

Penny worried her bottom lip in confusion as she opened the balcony doors to the guest room she was staying in. A gasp escaped her as she looked up at the sky. There were a few fluffy clouds spotting the skyline, splashed with brilliant pinks and purples. She had never seen such a beautiful color display in nature before. The sun was just barely rising as she watched the colors deepen and change to red, yellow, and gold.

P- Sheldon... it's beautiful. Thank you.

S- Not as beautiful as you are with that light displaying across your face.

P- when did you see that?

S- That first morning on the train ride. I have to go now as it is breakfast time. Have a good morning. I will see you at dinner tonight.

P- You too.

Penny snapped a few photos as she watched the sun continuing to rise. There was something mesmerising about the Sun gazing from where she was standing. Rays poured onto her face and for brief moments, into her eyes. Every passing minute filled her with new energy and optimism.

It was soon time to get ready for her breakfast with Howard.

Penny was waiting at the curb as Howard pulled up. She quickly got in the car and motioned for him to go.

"What's the rush?" Howard asked as they pulled into the main traffic.

"Leonard was at the house last night for a long time. I didn't want to deal with him this morning so I figured if we left quickly we wouldn't see him." Penny answered as she looked at the buildings they drove past.

"Understandable." Howard didn't speak anymore until they were in the restaurant. The ride was quiet but not uncomfortable.

Once seated, Penny's curiosity couldn't wait any longer. "So what's up?"

Penny watched him fidget a little before setting his menu down. As he looked up at her, she didn't see pervy Howard anywhere. It was a nice change.

"I want to start by saying I am sorry. I have acted like a total jerk to you since I met you. You deserve better than that." Howard took a nervous sip of his water.

"Go on." Penny commented simply.

"You are a very beautiful woman with a very kind soul. I have never meant to come across quite so..."

"Gross?" Penny supplied.

"Right. For that I am truly sorry." Howard waved the waiter away before he reached the table, before continuing. "I never grew up with a father. Raj was my first friend and Leonard my second. Everything I learned about flirting came from older movies growing up. Cheesy one liners that always seemed to work. The guys always seemed to encourage them and like them, or so I thought."

Penny took a drink of water as she processed what he said so far. "So if the creepy Howard is just a front, who is the real Howard?"

"That's just it... I don't really know. I know I have done some really stupid things in the past. And really hurtful things as well. I am not making excuses for that. The thing is... while watching Sheldon slowly change, it got me thinking about myself as well. I never really grew out of high school. A huge part of me is still this scared boy who doesn't want to change because he may lose his friends." Howard admitted.

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