Chapter 12: Dinner with the Coopers

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Penny knocked on the hotel suite room that was currently housing the Coopers. Raj had woken her up about an hour ago. They talked a little more as they cleaned up the picnic. They picked up some coffee for her before he dropped her off at the hotel. Talking to Raj had been cleansing. She had let go of a lot of painful emotions. She was emotionally exhausted but relieved as well. She knew in time she would move on. She would get better. She just hoped Sheldon would wait for her.

he door opened to a fenimne screech. Penny instantly found herself wrapped in Missy's long arms. "Penny!" Was yelled in her ear. Missy dragged the girl inside before finally letting go.
"Missy... It is good to see you too." Penny managed to get out before cracking up laughing at the look on George Jr's face. It was as if he had never heard Missy screech before. Then again... maybe he hadn't.
"You must be George." Penny smiled at him. " We didn't actually get to meet last time. I'm Penny."
"Oh I know who you are doll. The twins haven't stopped talking about you being here for weeks." George's thick accent filled the room.
"The twins? Do you mean Missy and Sheldon?" Penny asked, confusion written all over her face.
"Yup. The very ones. They have been talking back and forth for weeks. Can't get a single word in at all. But I do have to say... you are much prettier than I thought."
"Well... thanks?" Penny's voice held a hint of amusement.
"Oh it's a compliment. See... Missy here said you are from Nebraska and was prom queen. But for a beauty such as yourself to love our Shelly... well... it's hard to believe without seeing it." George rubbed the back of his neck as he finished speaking.
"I... see..." Penny turned back to Missy with a questioning look on her face.
"Everyone knows Penny. About how you feel for Sheldon and how much he loves you. There are no secrets in this family. Not when we watch Shelly pick up someone and spin them. I can't tell you how much mom has been praising God for that. But then he hugged both mom and MeeMaw last night. He said you taught him that. We have been trying his whole life and yet you manage what we couldn't in just 4 years." Missy explained to the young Nebraskan.
"Awe..." Penny sighed.
"Besides," George continued for his sister. "You are family. Even MeeMaw says so."
"Thank you." Penny felt her throat tighten for just a moment. "So where is MeeMaw?"
"Right here." Penny heard from the kitchen area. She turned to see the beautiful elderly women that Sheldon always talked about with such high esteem. She had a full head of white hair and was currently wearing an apron that said 'I'm the cook so you hunt the food.'
"Hello MeeMaw. It is so wonderful to finally meet you." Penny smiled at the lady as she walked over to the lady. She heard the others hold their breaths as she entered the kitchen to give the women a hug. "Would you like some help?"
"You are our guest. That would be rude." The woman tutted.
"I was told that I am family. And as family, we should all pitch in. Normally, I'd take Sheldon to go hunt some food for you but since I can't do that, I can at least be an extra pair of hands for the cook to use." Penny responded soundly.
Missy's, George's, Mary's, and Sheldon's (who had just gotten there) mouths all dropped as MeeMaw laughed and then told Penny to go wash up first.
"What is wrong with them?" Penny asked MeeMaw, gesturing to the stunned family.
"Oh!" MeeMaw chuckled in a conspiring way. "I don't let anyone help me in the kitchen. Ever. But I just couldn't argue with your sound logic. Sheldon hasn't even figured that one out yet."
"Ppptttt..." Penny flipped her hand up and down as if to say it was easy. "Your apron says it all. If I can't hunt then I can listen to orders. You want them to help but not get in the way or take over. Sheldon is a lot like that. If you are helping him with something he knows how to do, you just have to listen to him as he has a certain way to do things. Everyone is like that at some point."
The family, including MeeMaw, stared at her this time. "What?" Penny asked the room. "You never figured that out?"
"Penny..." Sheldon licked his lips before he continued. "You just explained the basis of my behavior in a way that is easily understandable. I have never thought about it that way."
"Sheldon... you have an IQ of 187. But you also have OCD tendencies that make your world and life easier to handle. You see life differently than everyone else because your memories are different. We see glimpses and maybe a few longer ones with a remembered emotion attached to it. For you it would be like watching and experiencing it in that exact moment all over again.
"Imagine watching a movie but experiencing everything all new again for the first time. But then that experience connecting to all other "movies" that are similar. But all in the space of a few seconds. It is not hard to figure out that your routines help you control the amount of times you relive something. Like arguing for example. When Leonard and I fight you see, hear, and experience every argument you have experienced. But all at the same time."
Penny noticed Sheldon's face soften I to that special Penny smile as the others all stare at the two in complete dawning understanding of the most basic thing driving Sheldon's behaviors.
"How do you know?" Sheldon asked quietly.
"Sheldon... I told you that I researched you in the beginning right?" She continued after he nodded. "Well editictic memory was one of those things I looked up. It took me a while to figure out which behaviors matched what experience. Your love of science and physics is because you have always had happy emotions attached to it. You love to learn and it is quite literally about discovering and understanding the universe. And it shows."
"As for the rest... it takes observation skills. The same ones I honed learning to hunt with my dad."
"Penny..." Sheldon's hand wrapped around the ring in his pocket again. He knew it wasn't time yet but he now knew what his PopPop had been talking about. He wanted her to be HIS girl. His wife, the mother of his kids, by his side when he finally wins the Noble...
"Yes sweetie?" Penny smiled up at him.
Sheldon shook his head as he moved quickly to her side and pulled her into a heartfelt hug. He really wanted to kiss her but... wasn't sure now was a good time. She had broken up with Leonard only a few hours ago. No... now wasn't the time.
"Awe... thank you sweetie." Penny felt him kiss the top of her head before he pulled away. "Now leave me alone so I can talk with our MeeMaw."
Sheldon's breath hitched at hearing our MeeMaw. He walked over to his room to go clean up leaving his girls to talk.
"So what do you want me to do?" Penny asked the stunned MeeMaw. Sheldon had hugged her last night but it was nowhere near as natural as his hug to Penny. It had looked like they had done that many, many, times before.
"Put that in that bowl and then mix these in slowly." MeeMaw instructed Penny. She was purposely vague just to see if she would ask what the stuff was. MeeMaw was surprised when Penny started to do as instructed but asked no questions.
"You're not curious about what those are?" MeeMaw asked after a few minutes.
"Of course I am. But as I said before, I am here as an extra set of hands. If you wanted to tell me what they are, you would. For all I know, this is some secret family recipe that no one but you know. I, as the newest member, would never ask for that. Besides it leaves time to talk about other stuff." Penny smiled as she handed the bowl filled with the now mixed ingredients to MeeMaw.
"Right you are." MeeMaw smiled at the young lady. This was indeed a family recipe but... she had passed the test that even Mary hadn't.
"Well... how about you tell me about your family while we cook." MeeMaw smiled as Penny filled her in on her family and how her brother was a "kind" of chemist.
Thirty minutes later Sheldon came out of his room freshly cleaned and changed. He smiled as he saw Penny laughing with MeeMaw in the kitchen with the others at the counter outside of the kitchen. All of them talking to each other.
"So then... he calls me and asks where I could get another comic book from and if I knew any adults who actually read them." Penny giggled as she finished her story. The others laughing with her would normally set him on edge because he was one of those said adults. But he knew Penny wouldn't make fun of him. Especially to family.
"Did you mention my brother to him?" Missy asked.
"Hell no. I instead told him that there is a whole comic book store here where adults go to collect the books. My nephew worships Sheldon. I would never let his dad make fun of Sheldon." Penny smiled at Sheldon over his family's backs having noticed he was there. "But I did tell him that I knew a comic book collector who has shown me how expensive those comics could be in just a few years."
"How'd he take that?" George asked.
"Oh well... now my nephew has the protective sleeves and about 100 comics. He reads one set and stores the other. It's a good hobby to get into. Especially since he's now reading more and in trouble less." Penny answered.
"Okay George. Go set the table." MeeMaw ordered him. "Missy go get your brother and Mary, you get the drinks please."
"But Sheldon is behind you guys." Penny mumbled. MeeMaw looked up in surprise.
"He always sneaks up on us. How did you know?" Missy complained.
"I always know when he enters a room. I just... feel it." Penny shrugged off the question like it was no big deal.
"Well it is time to sit down and eat." MeeMaw stated. Sheldon and Penny instantly moved to carry the food over to the table. They both sat down in tangent next to each other. Penny on Sheldon's right.
Mary braced herself to having a fight with Sheldon about praying but waited a beat before saying anything. She wanted to see what Penny would do first.
Penny had instantly turned to Sheldon. "Okay Sheldon. I am having fun so far and I want it to stay that way. So here is what we are going to do." Penny paused as she waited for Sheldon to nod that he was listening.
"I know you are an atheist. But.. your mom and MeeMaw are not. I know you remember everything I have ever said to you, so I want you to pull up our conversation about religion, Hokum, and superstitions. Think about that conversation and what I said about respecting other people's beliefs." Penny waited until he nodded his head.
"Now what are we going to do now?" Penny asked Sheldon.
"Respectfully be quiet while mommy prays." He answered quietly. "Penny..."
"I know Moonpie. But this is important to your mom. This makes her happy." Penny placed her hand in his and held out her other one to George who was next to her. She squeezed Sheldon's hand, encouraging him to hold out his other hand. "And she washed her hands too."
Sheldon reached over and took his mother's hand for the first time in a long, long time. Mary stuttered through her prayer thanking God for Penny and the blessing she was on the family.
The next hour was filled with laughter and smiles. Sheldon experienced a family dinner with no arguments or glares. It was not uncomfortable or trying. Instead he found himself relaxing and enjoying the time with his family. Each family member making the evening amazing. George talked about his kids. Missy her new job. MeeMaw about old family friends or events. Mary about church members and who's doing what in town. Sheldon talked about his friends and his research. Penny just smiled mostly. She had talked a lot before dinner and was just enjoying the family dynamics.
Seeing Sheldon with his family was amazing. It was the same as with the boys but yet different too. There were stories about his childhood inventions and experiments.
By the end of the night Penny was too tired to move. Somehow she had ended up on the couch next to Sheldon looking at childhood pictures that Mary had brought with her from Galvenstead. She had her head in the curve of his shoulder and his arm was around her shoulders. The photo album was on both their laps as they basically cuddled on the couch. She glanced up at Sheldon's face.
His eyes were lit up with memories only he could see. But his face showed just how tired he was. She knew she should head back to her friends house. Rachel probably was wondering where she was. Then again... Rachel knew she was coming over here.
"Moonpie..." Penny breathed in awe of the emotions she saw in his eyes.
"Yes kitten?" Sheldon was just as quiet.
"I should probably get going. I'm sure the others are waiting for me to leave." Penny really didn't want to leave. She didn't want to be alone that night.
"Penny... the others are already in bed. MeeMaw told me that breakfast is at 8am and to make sure you don't cook." Sheldon smiled sleepily at her.
"So they want me to stay the night. I guess I could sleep on the couch." Penny sat up and stretched her limbs.
"You could..." Sheldon's voice trailed off. "Penny how are you feeling right now?"
Penny almost let off her automatic response of fine. But as she looked at Sheldon, she knew she couldn't lie to him. "I...I don't want to be alone right now. I feel very vulnerable and...and I feel... I..." Penny felt the tears she had been hiding slide down her face.
"There, there. I am here." Sheldon pulled her into his lap before wrapping his arms around her. "Do you... do you want to sleep with me tonight?"
Sheldon's voice was so quiet that she wasn't sure he actually asked her that. His eyes have him away. He was nervous and worried.
"Do you...?" Penny started before shaking her head no as she spoke again. "Of course sweetie."
Sheldon seemed confused by her words and actions. He opened his mouth to ask her what she meant but then the conversation from last night floated to the front of his brain.
The one about his mom asking if they had slept together and him thinking it meant actually sleeping and it wasn't. He had basically asked her to either sleep next to himself or for coitus. So her shaking her head was more than likely her realizing who she was talking to and that he wouldn't use the slang version.
Sheldon led Penny to his hotel bedroom in the suite. He reached into the closet and pulled out a pair of pajamas that she knew were his current day of the week PJs. He then handed her the top and gently pushed her in the direction of the bathroom so she could change.
Penny fumbled with the buttons as she changed into his top. Her nerves were off the Ricther scale. It may be Sheldon and no different than what they had already done except... his family was outside that bedroom door. She was wearing his pj top. And most importantly, she was now single. She quickly rinsed her face with some cool water in hopes that it helped calm her.
She jumped at his soft triple knock on the bathroom door. "Coming." Penny called as she squared her shoulders and opened the door.
Sheldon's breath caught as he took her in. She was a real vision and liked that she wore his pj top. His eyes traveled down her body slowly leaving a trail of fire as he mapped her curves with his eyes. When his eyes connected with hers again there was a burning flame in them she had never seen before. From anyone.
"Kitten..." he breathed out in sheer awe.
"Moonpie..." Penny responded.
Sheldon stood there mesmerized by the goddess in front of him. His fingers slackened on the bottoms he was holding onto.
"Do you need the bathroom to change sweetie?" Penny smiled up at him while gesturing to the bottoms in his hand.
"Y- Yes"Sheldon cleared his throat. His Texan accent so prominent that she wondered how he was able to discard it while trying to ignore the shivers it caused to travel over her body.
Penny stepped up against Sheldon's chest to be able to skirt around him. Their bodies briefly touched as she moved. Sheldon quickly moved into the bathroom as Penny settled on the left side of the bed so that she would be on Sheldon's right. She crawled under the covers and turned to face the wall as she heard Sheldon come out of the bathroom. His room had the ensuite as the others didn't want to have to worry about his bathroom schedule.
Penny felt the bed dip as Sheldon climbed in and turned off the lamp. But she jumped as she felt his hand snake around her hip to rest across her waist and gently pull her backwards into his chest.
"Sheldon?" Penny questioned quietly.
"I just..." Sheldon continued to gently pull her until she was firmly against his chest and laying on his arm. "I want to hold you, Kitten. Like this...please?"
Penny responded by snuggling down into his embrace and slowly drifting off into a very peaceful sleep. She smiled as she felt him kiss the top of her head gently.
"Night moonpie." She barely mumbled. Only Sheldon's Vulcan hearing allowed him to understand what she had said.
"Good night, kitten." Sheldon waited until she was firmly asleep before he finished his thought. "I love you so much."

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