Unfortunate encounter, Ash vs Berhamöus 1° p; Barry's potential unleashed

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Michina Town - Sinnoh Region


A storm was heard at the environment, as the peaceful town of Michina was now ruled by a storm that was taking place at the area, many citizens going inside their houses to find refuge from the storm, same as Pokémon as the area was clearly plagued with loud sounds of the thunders falling to the ground nearby... But also because of another reason, one so sinister that made the Pokémon of the area absolutely scared of it.

At the top of a mountain we see a certain airborne ship parked at a safe area, hidden between the trees and the rocky area as outside of it, not so far than a couple of meters, were stood two silhouettes that already gave a dangerous vibe to the area.

A light cyan haired woman with curious vestment was leaning below a tree, covering herself from the incoming rain, her having her eyes upon the apparently young man on the edge of the cliff on a lotus position, this as his gaze was upon the long horizon in front of them.

'Is it really wise to wait here despite not knowing where will they be?' The woman, which was now shown as Hunter J said to herself inside her mind with clear confusion and intrigue of the actions from the ancient king in front of her, not really being keen for being patient.

[Telepathy] 'As I expected of you youngster, you don't seem aware of what am I up to'

The woman was once again caught off guard a bit ticked off by the present presence in front of her, having started a conversation through her mind as it was usually his style.

[Tick mark] 'Would you mind to stop messing with my head? I prefer if you speak to me properly as a man rather than give me a mental chit chat!' This being her answer in a bit of an annoyed tone, clearly showing part of that discomfort of talking to Ragbärd.

*Low laughs* "As a matter of fact, your patience it's quite equal the one of a youngster-" This comment only annoyed the woman a bit more as the tick marks on her head increased despite her stoic demeanor. "Yet right now my plan it's simple" . . . this only making the track more difficult to decifre for her.

"Explain the 'simple' fact upon your sentence there, because we aren't exactly in a place for tourism" This being her demand as she'd locked her eyes upon the man, the mentioned just chuckling a bit as he started to stand up from his point.

"It is as you just said [Locks gaze with her] we aren't exactly here in Michina Town just for a tour inside the walls of one of the many temples the all mighty above us has himself made by men... [Eye glow] But our next target it is indeed interested to explore, and not just for a simple tour"

[Curious] "Next target? I don't remember you having said something of a hunt earlier"

[Starts to near her slowly] "Have you already forgotten what was the reason lord Shatternus brought you back from the netherworld? The main goal and task we have as his followers?... If you already did then let me remind you youngling.

[Glares at her menacingly] The main reason of our resurrection it's to stop and eliminate the Chosen One out of lord Shatternus' path, which it's why we are here as these ruins are his next target"

This words from the Dark Guardian were already enough for the woman to understand now what was the main goal of the plot at the place they were, as it was now clear to her of what she was doing and what she has to do, only resorting on staying shut and wait alongside Berhamöus the incoming presence of our young trainer and his little group...

But even despite the experience of the great ancient monarch itself, the two of them were slightly unaware that nearby their location was a certain presence of a man hiding in between the leafy trees, this man being characterised by wearing a dark grey with white hat, a fawn set of leggings and an opened up white t-shirt of medium length sleeves on top of a black top that was covered of the neck area like a turtle sweater, his long, broken green hair being combed as a traditional ponytail despite being slightly broken in fringes on both sides that kind of looked like Ash's, despite the long sideboards on both sides...  His eyes are bluish, almost lightless, as if he was stoic by nature. Not to mentioned that he carried a pendant in his neck of a black sphere with a blue ring surrounding it, and on his left wrist wearing a set of three square like bracelets made out of gold, as if they were trying to represent something on him.

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