Too much

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Demi's Pov

White.... White is all I saw. White room. I squeezed my eyes closed then opened them. I looked around and saw Austin looking at me like he was heartbroken.

"Demi" Austin whispered.

He quickly stood up and grabbed my hand.

"Hey sunshine, you blacked out from stress.... At least that's what the doctor said" Austin brings my hand to his lips and I had to resist the feeling to get all giddy he slept with Chelsea remember?

I pulled my hand away. Austin sighed.

"What is wrong Demi? We were fine today." His blue eyes stare straight into my deep brown eyes.

"You slept with Chelsea! After what I tell you that's how you deal with it?!? I'm not surprised I collapsed from stress! So much is going on all at once I can barely keep up with myself! It's all too much! I moved down here to have a more clear mind and just relax but clearly the world thinks that I need non-stop drama and never get a break at all!!!" I stare into his eyes, their not showing any of his emotions or giving any hint to what he's possibly thinking. Damn boys and their hiding skills!!

Austin cleared his throat."How did you know about Chelsea?"

WOW!!!! Really?!? Seriously?!? I tightly closed my eyes trying to control my anger, when I open my eyes again I look stone cold at him.

"Get out." I say in a calm low voice trying to keep my anger down so I don't punch this blue eyed, blondie in the fucking face!!!

Austin also looked at me with cold eyes then turned and rushed the hell out. This drama is all too much I wish in would just slow down so I can breathe. I put my hand on my face and breathe in and out deeply. Life. Fucking. Sucks. Ass.

After a relaxing ten minutes the person I'm guessing is the doctor comes in.

Hello Miss Lovato, I'm Dr. Shepherd (A/N Yesssss Grey's anatomy!!!!Whoop Whoop) don't worry you're perfectly fine you passed out from over stressing which works up yourbody and you Miss worked your brain and body up to it's limits but I ran some tests you'll be just fine. I've called your school and parents to let them know you won't be in school for the rest of the week due to the amount of stress you are under." He looked down at my chart then smiled at me brightly.

I couldn't help but smile back. "Thank you Dr. Shepherd." I hold my hand out to shake his hand, he shakes it very kindly.

"The pleasure is all mine Miss Lovato, but please just call me Derek" He pulled up a seat next to my bed and sat down and smiled brightly.

I giggled a little. "Okay but only if you call me Demi becuase Lovato makes mesound so old." I put my hand on my chest and put a fake hurt expression on my face, trying not to laugh.

He laughed. "Okay, okay Demi to protect that little heart of yours to stop it from breaking."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Hey my heart ain't small it's filled with loooooovveeee." I patted where my heart would be and smirked at him.

Derek faked a shocked gasp. "Noooooo not the looooooveeee I mean I can handle love but not looooooooovvveeeeee" 

We both started laughing for quite awhile because everytime we looked at each other we'd end up laughing more. Eventually we both stop laughing.

"I have to thank you Demi that's the longest laugh I've had in awhile"

I looked at him smiling and giggling a little. "You and me both, I never thought I'd be laughing with a guy in the first few minutes."

"Well what can I say I'm just that good." He runs a hand through his hair while pulling a silly face and doing the duck lips.

I burst out laughing. "Yeaaa......... totally!" I say better my laughs.

He laughs. "So Demi is there anyone you'd like to call to come sit with you or anything?"

I quickly stopped laughing rememebeing my parents don't care and Sel and Tay are busy with boys making me realise how alone I amor just how boring I am.

"Ermm.... no everyone I know is too busy for me.... it's fine I'm use to being alone. If you have other people you need to take for or anything else then you can go it's okay don't worry about me." I faked a smile then looked down at my hands.

"Nope I'm not leaving a girl like you I'll just spend these next two days by your side.... aslong as I get to check your brain every once in awhile.......... I have a thing for brains."

We both look at each other and burst out laughing and that's how the rest of the night went just laughing and having great convosation...... best time I've had in awhile,.... just drama free no one to make things too much for me to handle... just the way I like it I hope these next two days go by slowly.

Austin's Pov

Once I got out of Demi's room I went straight to the gym taking all my anger out on the punching bag I punched and punched till I almost blacked out from over working.

Then I got into my car and drove home over the speed limit not giving a fuck! I got homeand went and got a shower and called Chelsea.

"Heyyyyy babyyy" She purred.... or at least I think she tried to. Was that supose to sound sexy because it really didn't. It actually made me want to laugh, I might of if I wasn't so pissed off I wasn't pissed at Demi...... but myself and I hate myself but I can't help it...... God I'm a shit person.... sometimes.

"just get over here so we can fuck already!"

"Hehe rough thats fine by me I'll be right there babyy"

I pulled a disgusted look at my phone then hung up not saying another word.

Please forgive me Demi I just can't...... I don't know I can't be without sexand you're too innocent and pure and sweet and broken for me to just........ I'm sorry.

I closed my eyes tightly and force myself to forget. I put my head down and sit on my bed waiting to hear Chelsea come in and do what shes good at.

Ta da whatcha think? Do you like Derek? How are you feeling about Austin right now?  Thank you for all the support and advice hope you enjoyed see ya next chapter love ya xx

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