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After watching a few episodes of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air I heard the phone ring and I answered it and said Hello and it was coach Bombay and he said Hello Is this Y/n or Charlie I responded to him this is Y/n He said Okay Y/n You and Charlie have to be at the airport tomorrow at 9:00 am and the plane boards at 9:20 so be there at 9:00 Okay Bye Coach I said to him Bye Y/n he responded.

I went into the kitchen I checked the time and it was 4:57 so I decided to make dinner so my mom wouldn't have to I walked over to the pantry and I grabbed some pasta and I made some pasta with tomato sauce and then my mom walked in the front door I said to her Hey Mom I made some dinner and she replied Thank you so much I responded You're welcome I walked to Charlie's room and walked in and said Charlie dinner is ready He replied Okay and I walked out of his room We all sat down and ate dinner together after we all finished dinner I washed the dishes so my mom wouldn't have to then I went to my room and watched some TV I was gonna go to bed early because I had to wake up early to get ready for the airport I checked the time and it was 8:01 and I decided to go to bed

The Next Day

I woke up to my alarm going off it was 8:15 am I took a shower and grabbed a pair of leggings and a t-shirt and got dressed I left my crocs out so I could wear them to the airport I grabbed my backpack from my closet and put a few magazines in it and some markers and coloring books I zipped up the backpack and placed it on my bed I checked the time on my phone it was 8:31 I was ready to go to the airport but I had to check if Charlie was up I left my room and walked to his room i opened the door and he was putting his shoes on I asked him are you ready to go to the airport and he responded Yes are you and I replied Yes. My mom walked into Charlie's room and said to the two of us are you guys ready and we both answered her yes I went to my room and grabbed my backpack and suitcase and I walked out the front door and opened the trunk to my moms car and put my suitcase in and Charlie brought his suitcase and gave it to me and I put his suitcase in. We both got in the backseat of my moms car and she drove us to the airport we arrived to the airport Charlie says to me Y/n what time is it I look at my watch and reply it is 8:57 we got out of the car and grabbed our suitcases and we walked to the airport as we arrived inside we saw Coach Bombay, Mr Tibbles and Miss McKay sitting down with the team Me and Charlie sat down with the rest of the team and my mom hugged us and told us bye and left and we put our luggage in the plane and Coach told us that we have assigned seats and he said Dean Y/n Averman you guys sit over there and he pointed to the seats as we were walking to our seats I said I get the window seat and sat down at the window seat and Averman sat in the middle seat and Dean sat at the end seat I placed my backpack infront of me and pulled out a magazine from my backpack and flipped through it until the Captain told us to buckle our seatbelts because we are about to take off I continued flipping through the magazine until I got bored i looked at Averman and said I'm bored and he responded Same the seats had little TVs on the back of them I said to Averman you wanna watch a movie and he replied sure I was looking out the window and didn't pay much attention to the movie Averman picked and then I ended up falling asleep in my seat then I woke up to Averman shaking my shoulder Y/n Wake up We are in Los Angeles so I grabbed my bag and we left the plane and grabbed our luggage then we sat in the seats in the airport and Coach Bombay said We will have a limo pick us up and take us to the dorms and a few minutes later our limo arrived so we put our luggage in the limo and then we went to the dorms and Coach told us where our rooms and who we were sharing a room with and I got Connie and Julie so we walked to our room and when Me Julie and Connie arrived to our room we unpacked our luggage.

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