first day disaster?

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Ring ring!!

I smack my alarm on my phone off.

First day of school yay. I look over at my bedside table to see a white shirt, a blue skirt, and a blue tie.


I put on the uniform and go bang on Nates door.

He opens the door. I take in the view. Hes has a towel wrapped around his waist. I could see all his abs and muscles.

He really does look like Jacob Eldori.

"Like what you see?", Nate laughs.

"Oh my gosh, no. I'm here to talk about this."

He looks at me."The uniform?"

I nod.

"Why? It looks fine."

I smile. "Thanks."

We finish getting ready and we head to school. Nate drove me in his jeep. (Nate has a jeep like Peter from to all the boys I've loved before does.)

I step out and immediately feel eyes on me.

"What is everyone looking at?", I say to nate while walking.


I pause surprised he noticed aswell.


I turn around to see a boy I've never seen before.

"Did you just slap my ass?", I say anger in my voice.

"I sure did. So fat it deserves to be sla-"

Just then he gets tackled. I freeze when I see nate on top of him throwing punches left and right.

The principal had to pull nate off of the guy.

"You three. Office now."


(In the office)

"Nate what the hell.", I say turning to look at him.

"I did what I had to do."

"By beating the shit out of him, no you didnt."

"First off I didnt beat the shit out of him. Second, you have no idea who that was or what his intentions were."

I scoff. "So ?? I can handle things myself nate!"

Nate turns to look at me, dead in my eyes. "And I said I'd look at for you."

The sound of the office door opening breaks our eye contact.

"Both of you, back to class. The situation has been handled. Oh and detention tommorow after school. Both of you.", says the principal.

"What?!?! What did I do!??!",I say walking out if the office.

"Strict rules I guess.", nate says walking off.

The rest of the day went by as expected. I had jules in almost all of my classes, and I had lexi( a new friend of mine in 4). I had Zack in 2, and I had nate in 4.

*at home*

I walked in the door and straight to my room, I sat my bag down before heading to the kitchen to eat dinner.

I was surprised to see nate in the kitchen eating by himself.

I sighed. "Mind if I join?"

He smiles and motions for me to sit by him.

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