so close but still friends.

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It was currently Tuesday. We didn't have school Monday because of some professional work day 3 more days until the Ski Trip. We pulled up to the school.

"Nate I dont want to see his face 6th hour.."

Nate takes a deep breath in, "it'll be okay, act like he's not even there."

I smile and get out of the car. I walk into school where jules is waiting for me.

"Girl you scared me half to death!! You weren't answering my messages or calls!"

"Sorry. Guess you could say I was out of the loop."

"Sooo you ready for that skiing trip?", jules smirks.

Oh yeah. I was informed by my mother on Monday Morning about this trip. To be honest a part of me still doesn't want to go. But I really want to go at the same time. It's not everyday you get to fly halfway across your country, to go skiing.

"Yeah. Hadley and my mom went a bought a whole bunch of clothes for us to take."

Jules laughs, "Lucky you. Let's get to class."

I guess you could say the day went by great. Only because Zack wasn't here today. I dont know why. But I didn't care. He could stay gone for all I cared. Wednesday was the same. I went to school did my work, and Zack wasn't there again. Weird i thought. Before I knew it, it was Thursday night.

(In Astrid's room)

*on ft with jules*

"Yes im so excited!! I hope I sit by someone I like!", jules yells.

"Yeah hopefully you sit by Marcus.", I smirk, before I start busting out laughing.

Just then my mom walks in my room.

"Haha!!! Sorry girl I gotta go ttyl!! Love ya!", I say before hanging up.

"Astrid sweetie we need to talk."

For some reason my heart dropped a bit. "Y-yeah?"

"Listen...I know..."

I didnt like where this was going.

"...I know that this trip is notorious for sex, so I just wanted you to be careful. Now I know your smart enough to make good decisions...but just in case..."

She hands me a pack of condoms.

"Mom!! What the hell!!"

I peer over her shoulder and see nate, he has his hand over his mouth as if he's trying to muffle a laugh.

"OH UR SO DEAD.", I say getting up charging at him.

"NO SPARE MEEE!", he laughs running into his room.

I chase him into his room. "Im gonna kick your butt nate!!"

I go to throw a playful punch but he catches my wrist. "Not so fast."

I couldn't get my wrist out of his grasp so I swung with my other. He caught that one too.

"Too slow.", he smiles.

I look around, before deciding to try and trip him. He catches on too fast and before you know it were falling backwards.

We land on the bed, his hands still holding mine in a tight grasp.

His chain was dangling in my face.

Just then his door opens,

"Son. Can you please refrain from trying to get romantic without locking your door.", Hadley says.

I start busting out laughing. Although nate doesn't find it funny, he let's go of my wrists.

"Very funny. What is it dad?"

"You need to go to sleep. You have to get up early tommorow. "

Nate nods. "Well Goodnight th-"

"Nah I'm not leaving now.", I say tucking myself into his bed.

He rolls his eyes, he walks over and gets under the covers too. His leg was hot as it touched mine. I layed my head on his chest.

"Goodnight nate..."

"Goodnight astrid..."

As I dozed off, I wondered how nate could be so close to me, and still consider me as a friend.

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