fast forward.

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You might be wondering where life took me the rest of highschool? Well....I finished out senior year with nate stronger than ever. We collectively decided we were gonna ditch highschool parties and focus on sports and our studies. Nate wanted to go to college for football, something I know he did because I didn't get here until after football season. I wanted to go to college and learn how to be a fashion and business entrepreneur. Me and Nate.  spent the last 4 months of highschool working our asses off studying and working hard to get into a good college. By the end of the year Nate and I had all H's and A's.

Now here we are in my room finishing out last applications for colleges around the world.

(In Astrid's room.)

"There. I just finished my application for my last college.", I say putting a letter down along with my other 6 letters.

"Me too.", nate says putting a letter in his pile of about 4.

"What did you apply for Nate?"

"Stanford, Harvard, Yale, and Berkeley."

"Wow. Those are schools.", I say looking down.

"Hey hey...what's wrong?",he asks lifting up my chin to look at him.

"Well...our chances of going to college together are less...I applied for 7 different colleges, and only 2 of the same ones you applied for.", I say.

"Hey that's okay. Maybe you'll get into one of them or even a college close, where did you apply to?", he asks.

"Princeton, Yale, Duke, Carnegie Mellon, NYCU, Berkeley, and OU."

His expression changes. "Woah. Those are good schools too. But her let's not get sappy. We graduate in 3 days."

I start to cry. "what if we don't get in the same colleges...what am I gonna do without you?"

Nate cups my cheek so that I am looking at him. "Hey. You'll always have me."

He plants a soft kiss on my lips, before standing up. "Hey come on. Our whole entire senior class wants to hangout one last time at the beach one last time together."

I smile and stand up.


You might not believe me if I said I wasn't ready for highschool to end, and that's the truth. You see, everybody might be ready to leave the homework, and the textbooks behind, but there not ready to leave all the memories behind. When I got here before I made friends, I wasn't sure where life would take me after, all I knew was I wanted to be out of highschool.

Things changed. I met good people, and I met bad people. But that helped make me who I am today. Now that highschool is coming to an end, I think about all the fun times I've had. I've partied on the beach, gone camping, went skiing halfway across the country, and met someone who I miss dearly. I've done all that with the people I love the most.

I will truly miss everyone. Especially my friends who I couldn't have survived senior year without. With that all being said, peace out highschool you may or may not be missed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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