⿻ p.parker ⇢ copycat

254 13 2

prompt: you have the power to attain anyone's abilities with hand contact for a limited time; imagine your confusion when the following series of events happens after holding hands with your best friend

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prompt: you have the power to attain anyone's abilities with hand contact for a limited time; imagine your confusion when the following series of events happens after holding hands with your best friend.

warnings: none

notes: are headcannons suppose to be this lengthy? i hope you enjoy nonetheless :,)

edited: 7/11
words: 1338


𖤐 the moment you knew your best friend wasn't so normal was on the day you mustered up the courage to hold his hand

𖤐 it's not like you have trouble with holding hands; you're an affectionate person in general. you gave hugs out like it was candy to your friends! well, all except to peter (to his dismay)

𖤐 something about sharing skin contact with peter makes your brain short circuit, it was really beyond your understanding

𖤐 okay, okay. maybe it has to deal with the fact that you have a teeny tiny crush on parker, but you weren't about to admit that out loud

𖤐 anyways

𖤐 soon came lunchtime, gracing you with the chance to do what you wanted to do. you felt yourself buzzing with-excitement? anxiety? nausea? there was no telling as you took your usual spot next to peter

𖤐 did he even want to hold your hand? should you ask for consent before going for it? oh god. now you're over thinking everything

𖤐 only if you knew peter just about to combust as he waited for the day you'd finally hold his hand as well. i mean, come on. you held michelle's hand first? over him?

𖤐 peter's face turned into a pout just thinking about it, wondering if you didn't feel comfortable around him enough. and that terrified him deeply

𖤐 but all his worries melted away when he felt a small tap on his hands. the way his face lit up when he caught sight of your open palm- offering your hand to him- was the most enduring thing anyone could ever see

𖤐 holy crap you're actually holding peter's hand? he didn't turn down your offer? and they were so soft, just like you imagined them to be!

𖤐 you were thrilled! you could feel your hand growing warm, nerves vibrating as the warmth spread up your arm and throughout your body.

𖤐 one minute you felt like you were on the top of the world-like you could do anything-and then the best you felt like you've been hit by a train. why was the room so loud?

𖤐 you had no choice but to let go of peter's hand, the boy looking to you with a hint of disappointment (worry overruling), your free hand massaging your temple with a frown
"y/n? what's the matter? are you okay?"

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