1~ Figure In the Snow

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Milk Cookie trudged through the snow. It's been years since he left home, and even longer since he saw his savior, Dark Choco Cookie. He turned to face Purple Yam, to make sure he was still there, but all he saw was grey. The snow was falling, but Milk could make out a figure in the distance.

"PURPLE YAM?! IS THAT YOU?" His calls were met with silence.

He walked quickly towards the figure. He could barely make out who it was. It was someone he didn't recognize; he stretched his hand out to touch it when he opened his eyes.

It was all a dream.

Purple Yam was laying by Milk, fast asleep. Milk Cookie couldn't fall back asleep after that.


When Purple Yam finally woke up, Milk cookie immediately stood up.

"We have to keep moving"

"Listen, I know this means a lot to you but it's been years. I'm tired of this shit. Can't we just give up yet?"

"You can, but I've come too far to turn back now."

Milk Cookie was stubborn. His mind couldn't be changed. He grabbed his bag of jellies, and left the sleepy cookie behind. Purple Yam, realizing the other cookie was leaving, grabbed his own bag of jellies, stomped out the fire, and chased after him. 

We'll Meet Again (Dark Choco x Milk)Where stories live. Discover now