Prologue - Michelle

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Location - (L/N) Residence, (Y/N)'s Room

Your POV

Hi, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I would often convince myself that I am boring, and don't have a lot of hobbies. A lot of the people from school might not think so, but I think I do. I mostly hang out with the boys at my school, the girls... not so much.

However, I do have a little sister that I hang out with at home. Her name is Luka. I was her favorite and only big brother she had, and because of that, I would try my best to set an example for her.

Luka has a soft spot for fluffy mascots, and so do I, but I never showed it. So one day, she came into my room, and asked me something that'll make her day.

"Onii-chan! Onii-chan!"

"Yes Luka? Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Can you take me to go see Michelle? I want to see her so badly!" She said.

It didn't take long for me to think about it. I would do anything to make my sister happy, and I know her wanting to see Michelle will definitely make her happy.

"Sure, kiddo, let's go see Michelle." I said and smiled at her.

"Yay! Onii-chan is the best!" She said and gave me a big hug.

I hugged her back and the two of us headed over to the shopping district to go find us a certain fluffy pink mascot.

A few minutes later...

Location - Shopping District

The two of us arrived at the shopping district, and you could say that... it was crazy packed. The reason for that is because there was a special event going on. Not only Michelle was there, but another mascot named Marie was there as well.

"Wow, there she is! Michelle!" Luka said as she pointed to the pink bear.

"Yes, I do see her, Luka." I chuckled a reply.

However, actually getting to her was easier said than done, especially with all of these kids here. I guess they had the same idea as Luka about wanting to see Michelle.

"Onii-chan, do you think I can get a hug from Michelle, too?" She asked.

"If you ask her, I'm sure you can make it happen." I told her.

Luka couldn't hold back her excitement any longer. When most of the kids walked away from Michelle, Luka came over to her with a big grin on her face.

"Hi there Michelle!" She said.

"Ah, hello. How can I help you?" She asked.

"Is it okay for me to hug you?" She asked as her cheeks turned red.

"A hug? Sure, I have no problem with that." Michelle replied, then I stepped in with my question.

"And if it's not too much trouble, I would like to get a picture with you and my little sister, is that okay?" I asked.

"Sure, that's fine, too." Michelle said. She's honestly a lot nicer than I thought.

I pulled out my phone, then turned on the camera mode before stepping back a little bit.

"Okay, Luka, make sure to give me a big smile in front of Michelle, okay?" I told her.

"I will!" She said and gave me a big smile.

I took the picture, and I was quite happy on how this turned out. I even showed it to them.

"Aww, you two look so cute together." I said and showed them the picture.

"We do! We do! Thanks Michelle!"

"Yeah, no problem. I'm glad you had a good time." Michelle replied. I'm willing to bet that whoever is underneath the Michelle costume is smiling right now.

A few moments later, though, I got a text message from my mom. I began to read it.

Mom's text: When are you and your sister coming home? I'm getting ready to start making supper.

"Luka, we better get going. Our mother is expecting us to be home by now." I said.

Luka pouted at me.

"But I wanna stay and talk to Michelle some more." She said. Luka is a good sister and all, but there are moments where she can be rather stubborn.

"I know you do, but Mom is expecting us to be home by now." I said.

Luka let out a sigh.

"Fine, but do you think we can come back again someday?" Luka asked.

"Yes. If everything works out, then we can try to come back here for another visit." I told her.

"Yay! Please keep that promise, onii-chan." Luka pleaded.

"Don't worry, I promise."

Luka gave Michelle another hug.

"Thanks for today, Michelle. I had a good time." She said.

"I'm glad you had a good time Luka-chan. Just remember to stay happy, and Michelle is always there for you." Michelle said.

"Hehe, I promise I will!" Luka declared.

With that, the two of us headed off for home, and I began to think about Michelle. She was so nice to my sister, and all of the other little kids, too. I can see why they like her so much.

However, I had a feeling I have seen Michelle before, but I couldn't exactly put my finger on it. If I were to see her again, maybe my memory will come back to me, and... maybe discover the mystery on who is underneath that costume, as well.

A few hours later...

Location - Okusawa Residence, Misaki's Room

Misaki's POV

Man, I am so tired... My feet was killing me from standing around all day. When I got told that I could go home early, I couldn't be more happier, and couldn't changed out of Michelle quickly enough.

The first thing I did when I got home was taking a nice long bath, as I was mostly covered in sweat. It was nice and relaxing, and when I got out, I changed into my pajamas and got into my room where I laid down in bed where I stared at the ceiling and thought about today's events.

"That boy... I know I have seen him somewhere before." I said to myself.

I tried to think about where I have seen that particular boy before, but so far, nothing.

"Oh well... maybe I'll ask him the next time I see him, whenever that'll be."

But I will say... he was so nice to his little sister when they spoke to me today. Seeing them together like that reminded me of my two siblings. Not to mention, he was cute.

Wait, am I thinking that he is cute? I rarely know him, so what am I thinking...? I don't even know him, yet I can't stop thinking about him.

"What is wrong with me?"

To be continued

A/N: Hello, everyone. Welcome to The Girl Underneath The Suit. Thank you for reading the prologue and I hoped you guys liked it. Thank you guys so much for your patience on this book. Hopefully that whole month of waiting was worth it. Why do you think (Y/N) and Misaki might know each other? Only one way to find out.

See you in the next chapter, and have a good one. ;)

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