Chapter 1 - Misaki

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[Word count - 623]

A few days later...

Location - Hanasakigawa Girls Academy, Hallway

Misaki's POV

Classes couldn't be anymore stressful than they need to be. My teacher had to drop a bombshell when she said that we had a test coming up next week. Even though I plan on studying as much as I can, I just hope that the test won't cause me any problems.

Now it was time for me to have lunch. Since it was a nice day, I figured I would take my bento and eat it outside at the courtyard. As I kept walking, I spotted a familiar person in the hallway.

"Oh, Hagumi?" I questioned.

"Ah, Mii-kun! Are you heading outside to eat?" She asked.

"Yeah, I am. Are you as well?" I asked in return.

"Yep! I'm waiting for Kokoron." She replied.

"Hey, do you want to join us?" Hagumi asked.

It was nice of Hagumi to invite me, even if it means I'll have to put up with her and Kokoro. But at the same time, it is a nice day, and it would be a shame to waist it being inside.

"You know what? Sure, I would like to tag along with you two." I said and gave Hagumi a sly smile.

"Yay! This is going to be fun!"

A few minutes later...

Location - Hanasakigawa Girls Academy, Courtyard

Hagumi and I met up with Kokoro, and the three of us had lunch outside. It does feel a little weird that it is just the three of us ever since Kanon graduated, and even though Hagumi didn't want her to, we've come to terms with it.

As the three of us were our lunches, Kokoro brought something up.

"Hey, what do you think Michelle is doing right now?" She randomly asked.

"Where did that come from?" I asked.

"I mean, think about it, we don't know what school she goes to, and we don't see her in a school uniform."

"That is a good question." Hagumi replied to her. "I wonder if she is having fun without us."

"That does seem very fair." Kokoro pouted. "I'd say after school, we find her and confront her!"

Of course she would suggest that... I wish Kanon was still here to talk some sense into her.

After school...

Location - Residential Area

Once school was done for the day, I got out of there as soon as possible. I didn't want to be bothered dealing with another one of Kokoro's ideas, and I already have enough on my plate with being the student council president.

While walking through the neighborhood to get to my house, I spotted someone ahead of me. My heart skip a little bit by who it was... it was that boy I met a few days ago as Michelle. Now I know for a fact that I have seen him somewhere before, but the question is... where?

"Ugh! I can't remember!"

"Can't remember what?"

I looked ahead and the boy was staring at me. Oh crap, he actually heard me?! This is so embarrassing.

"Oh, umm... nothing." I said as my I felt my cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

"I see."

And just like that, he walked away from me. But as he did, I can hear him humming something. If I'm not mistaken, that was a Hello, Happy World! song he was humming to. Does he know about us?

As soon as I thought this, I began to remember.

"Wait a minute... I know him..."

To be continued

A/N: Say hello to another dead book that is making a comeback.
Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next one. :)

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