Don't Cry

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After Axl tells me what happened, I look away and feel tears gloss my eyes. Sitting on the bed beside him, I try to keep myself from breaking down.
Axl apologizes for the millionth time and puts his warm hand on my thigh,"I am really sorry, Dani. I was angry; I couldn't control-"
"Axl, I will not be abused any more in my life. I can't go through that,"I look down at the blue sheets that we had sex (very intense and hot, I must say) on just last night.
His eyes melt into mine with understanding mixed with sorrow,"You were abused?"
A lump forms in my throat as the painful memories fill my mind,"Yes, and I cannot go through that anymore. Will you be able to control yourself?"
"Yes, I promise. We have a connection, and I really, really like you, Dani," my boyfriend (?) assures me.
Before I can say anything else, my phone begins to ring. The ringtone is "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin; I answer it without checking the caller ID.
"Hey," my partner, Officer Ryan, greets me,"where are you, Dani?"
"Uh, with my..." I look at Axl, who is staring at my breasts,"boyfriend."
Ryan sighs,"Who's the lucky guy?"
"Um..." I blush, trying not to scream,"Axl Rose."
He starts laughing so hard that he gasps several times,"I am serious, Dani."
"So am I, Ryan,"I smile then slap Axl's hands away when he starts reaching up my shirt.
"Wow," Ryan replies incredulously,"that is awesome. When are you coming back to work? I thought you were in trouble."
"I'm fine. Tell Chief Kallaswamy that I've resigned," I feel a bit of sadness enter my heart as I tell him.
"What?" He questions in barely a whisper. "Dani, you have to be joking? You're quitting your dream job for some rock star? What the fuck?"
"It isn't like that!" I stand and go into the bathroom to keep Axl from listening. "Look," I continue quietly,"I really like Axl, okay? He is sweet and cares about me so much."
Dial tone.
Great. My best friend just hung up on me, and I have no job. I hope this is the right decision.
When I enter the bedroom, Axl glances at a Victoria's Secret bag and smirks,"I bought you something."

My LHR with Axl Rose (Love-Hate Relationship)Where stories live. Discover now