Chapter 11 - A Room Full of Light

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Finally! Someone has said their sin! And we're what?... Only eleven chapters in? Not too bad! ...Oh, I'm I disrupting the story again? Sorry, I'll leave now...goodbye...

The flame in the room dances mockingly at wide eyes. The eyes hold a mixture of emotions, namely, confusion and fear. As is the constant feeling throughout this little adventure. The bodies that the eyes belong to, feel both threatened and perplexed, wondering what this strange occurrence means.

The night just seems to keep getting weirder and weirder. Whoever is torturing them, sure knows what they are doing, and have seemed to set this up for a long time. This plan could've been years in the making for all they know.

June, still staring at the fire, mindlessly mumbles, "...So, the fire was real..." Her simple comment makes everyone remember that strange fire they discover what feels like an eternity ago. That strange, strange fire that seems to captivate them. That strange, strange fire that seems so magical, almost life-like, as if it has a mind of its own. As if it is sentient.

Leah, also looking at the flame, tries her best to get them to snap out of it, "What the hell is going on?" She questions the group, almost casually. There's something about the fire that soothes them in a way.

"I don't know..." Lyndon apprehensively replies back. He too is staring at the fire.

"It's impossible..." Shahan mumbles, not believing what he is seeing with his own eyes. To be fair, none of them are believing it. It should be impossible. Fires do not usually float on the ground as far as they are aware

June manages to finally snap her attention away from the fire, the act a lot more effort than she thought it would be. She addresses everyone, her tone completely baffled, like she really has no clue about anything anymore, "What does this mean?" Her question raises several alarms in their heads. Why now? What does it mean? Is it bad? The last one definitely has them all worried.

Lyndon ponders the question and their situation, putting his hands in his pockets. He feels around, coming into contact with a familiar piece of paper. Ah yes, that piece of paper. The piece of paper he thought was a joke, some dumb kid trying to scare a poor soul in the library. One with a very active imagination. Ah yes, that piece of paper...

Lyndon suddenly looks to the group, taking his focus off the fire and to where Idris' body should be. No one has yet commented on this, possibly because they are all used to things going missing. Particularly, the disappearance of bodies.

It feels as though a sharp jolt of electricity has struck Lyndon, opening his senses and his mind to answers he has long searched for. Like he finally has some clarity in an area that has troubled him immensely. In a hurry, he takes the paper out, his actions seeming frenetic and frenzied to those around him.

He re-reads the paper, mumbling to himself, "...Light this fire...share some more..." He utters, like the saying the words will somehow reveal to him the secrets of the universe.

"Light this fire...Share some more," He repeats, the gears in his head-turning, the answer on the tip of his tongue. It's practically staring at him in the face. He glances to the fire, to the paper, and then to a very confused Leah. His eyes go wide with the jarring revelation. That Leah caused the fire to light.

"That's it!" He rejoices, hope beginning to fill his systems once again.

"How could we have been so blind!" Lyndon's enthusiastic cheers are met with unenthusiastic faces, not entirely sure what Lyndon is getting at. He frantically points to the fire, then to Leah, "It was Leah! Leah!" He repeats again, clearly up virtually nothing.

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