Chapter 12 - A Room Full of Dilemmas

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After a few seconds, the flash of light is gone, hopefully never to be seen again. Once more, the group is left to wait for their vision to readjust, trying their best to ignore the stinging sensations and cries of pain from their eyes.

"Why does that always happen!" Lyndon shouts, as his eyes are squinting, both from the aching and from the light. Despite it only happening one other time, the rest of the group agrees with him, sick of all the games and sudden events that throw their otherwise brilliant plans into the void to be forgotten and tempered with.

Eventually, after some struggle, their eyes return back to normal, with the exaction of a few blue spots here clouding their vision here and then. Leah feels as though something is missing, like a sudden weight or presence has been removed from or near her. She attempts to remember what exactly should be here, when she realises that not everyone is in the room. Lyndon too feels this way but for another reason, although he is able to guess almost immediately. The photo has disappeared from his grasp.

Panic has risen from her, "Guys...Savannah is gone..." The sound of her voice immediately breaks everyone from whatever thoughts they were thinking, gaining their attention. Not again, they all think.

Slowly, they all turn around, fearing the worse. If they know anything about this place, it's that sudden occurrences usually only means one thing... Someone is dead.

They hope with all their hearts that Savannah is fine, for they probably couldn't take another death. Another soul, lost to the world, never to achieve their hopes, dreams, or find their place in the ever-expanding universe. Unfortunately, they know all too well what to expect now, growing accustomed to the many unspoken laws of the library.

Turning their heads slowly, they find propped up on a chair, about seven meters away from everyone, is Savannah, slumped over, her head down. It does not look good. They all exchange anxious glances, unsure of what has happened to the girl's fate.

"Savannah honey, are you okay?" Leah kindly calls out, making the scent of her dread.

They all wait for a response, but there is none. Not a word. Not a peep. Savannah remains motionless, her mousy hair covering her face, making her expression a mystery.

Not again, they all think. Savannah hasn't made a single sound, growing their suspicions even more. Gradually, Lyndon walks over to her, careful as to not alarm her, like she is some wild animal that he is attempting to tame. Making his way all the way to her, everyone else stays where they are, watching from a distance.

"Savannah..." Lyndon tries to the last time, his voice sounding desperate and scared, like he already knows what has happened. Reaching his trembling hand out, he attempts to lift her head, but is stopped when he notices something on her right arm. He notices a peculiar marking on her arm, which is neatly tucked into her lap at the moment. He brings his palm down to it and flips it over to expose the whole thing. He gasps and immediately drops the arm as soon as he does so.

A burn mark, red, bleeding, and charred, is visible on her flesh. Her skin has become a purple colour, indicating that the scorching has taken its toll. The mark says a word.

He bites his lower lip, trying not to vomit at the transgression that has been committed upon her. Everyone is waiting to see what he has discovered, as he has fallen quiet and is now immobile in place. He reads the inscription;


"...It says greed." That is all he says to them, his voice strained and gruff as he tries to maintain his composure and strength. Not again, they all think.

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