Chapter 14 - A Room Full of Nothing

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June absorbs the newfound information which they all have acquired, the devastating repercussions blatant to them all. They don't know what will happen now, and they don't know if they can save her. She truly has hit the rock bottom of despair, for if this is really it, then it was all for nothing. Or what it always for nothing? Something keeps trying to make it out of her brain but another thing keeps stopping it. 

Wishing nothing more than to break up the uncomfortable silence, Leah turns to June, her tone full of hope and encouragement, doing her best to cheer up the deflated girl, "June, don't worry, we'll think of something." Her motivation falls on deaf ears however, as June has decidedly given up. There are only so many plot twists one person can take.

Lyndon, agrees with her, "She's right, we will figure this out." June can tell he isn't happy about the way things turned out, but there's a hint of relief hidden within his shattered facade.

Shahan sends a nod over to June, although he knows it isn't going to matter much. She just looks to the floor, resigned to the fact that there may be nothing they can do.

An idea pops into Leah's head, as she desperately tries to grasp at straws, she is, if nothing else, determined. "Maybe we wait? I mean something usually happens," Her unswerving perseverance uplifts those in the room, besides June that is. They just need to keep trying.

They wait for a while, about five minutes, although to them it felt like half an hour. They stand and sit around awkwardly, anticipating something to happen. When nothing does, they all breathe of sigh of frustration.

"Damn it. I don't think anything is going to happen." Lyndon remarks, face full of worry.

One of the group's members has had enough of not having a clue what to do, "Hey! There aren't enough sins!" Shahan yells out to the ceiling, hoping that they will hear. He isn't sure what it would achieve, but maybe they'll recognise that and cut them some slack.

"Shahan!" Leah whisper shouts, not happy with the way he just called out to the captors. Their unexpected and unpredictable behaviour is of great concern to her.

Lyndon shakes his head, also a little cross, "That's not going to do anything," He explains, knowing that they probably know and probably don't care.

Shahan attempts to reason with them, trying to make his line of thinking apparent, "Well maybe-"

Lyndon however interjects, "-No. It might just make them madder. Who knows what they could do." They are in the home stretch, they cannot mess it up.

Content that someone else concurs with her, Leah gracefully says, "Exactly." The side on which she stands on very obvious. Understanding that he isn't going to win, Shahan stands down, accepting that maybe it was a bad idea.

They only have about one hour left, their backs against the wall as their time is running out. So far, they have learned that there is a madman terrorizing them, forcing them to assign a sin to their name. The rules of this terrifying game are flimsy and not specified. Since the rules are not specified, it means setting out to determine June's sin is going to be hard work. They don't know if the sins can double up, they don't know if someone could have more than one sin, they don't know if she will be killed because of their inaction.

Analysing the situation, she thinks that perhaps, the answer is staring them right in their faces. Maybe, she really was envy. Ruminating on the topic even more, she begins to consider, maybe she was all of the sins. It's a possibility. What goes as sins here is very petty. She could potentially be all of them without even realising.

Speaking up on the subject, June, although very unsure, tries, "Maybe I'm supposed to be all of them or something?" They all ponder her statement, it's a possibility. Despite it being an obvious insult to the girl, those in charge love the unexpected, and that might just be the very thing none of them saw coming.

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