A loving family.

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The group confusedly looked at the screen before saying yes. The screen turned black before the hill from earlier appeared on the screen.


A boy with black hair who would probably on the age of 5 years old run around, taking flowers before approaching his mother.

"For my pretty mother who i love so much." The boy said in a princely manner before offering the flowers to the chuckling woman.

"Oh my~ thank you very much my princely son~" The woman said as she play along with her son in his role play.

The boy smiled before laughing out loud as he sat beside his mother, the mother smiled before starting tickling her son.

"Mom~!" The boy whined as he squirm and laugh so hard while the woman continued the tickling session to the poor boy.

"Did you enjoy being the prince dokja~" The woman said and pulled the boy in her embrace while continously sending his cheeks some loving kisses.

Kim Dokja nodded and a big smile appeared on his face.


Jihye : what?!!! Is that really ahjussi?!!!

Yoosung : omg!!!! Ahjussi is so cute!!!

Gilyoung : hyung looks so cute!!!!

Heewon: cute cute cute!!!!

Sooyung : who would have thought the rat bastard would be this cute!

Hyunsung : dokja-ssi is adorable....

Sanggah : i want to pat his head!

Joonghyuk : ........ (In his mind: cute! He's so cute!)

They were shocked, yes that's right they were! But! They knew they became a simp!


"What do you want to do today dokja~?" Lee sookyung asked the little Kim dokja.

"Well~ i want to visit Dad on his work place!!" The kid said which made the woman cooed at her little son.

"Okay~ I'm sure you're dad will be happy." Lee sookyung said with a soft smile on her lips.

"Un! Let's bring him food too since it's lunch!!" Dokja said then run the house's kitchen.

The woman laughed and followed her son to make a special lunch for her husband.

"Dad!!!!" Dokja yelled and run to a black haired man.

"Oh! My little dokja why are you here~?" The man asked and carried his son in his arms.

"He wanted to visit~" Lee sookyung answered and give her husband a peck on the lips.

"Ew~" Kim Dokja said, slightly cringing as he covered his eyes.

The married couple only laughed at their Son's action.

"Come. I can't wait to eat the food prepared by my two angels." The man said and they walked to a park that has wooden chairs and table.

The family ate, chatted, played, and just spend their time together.


Heewon: that's so cute!!

Sanggah: so wholesome!!

The others nodded and smiled at the lovely scene. It's too wholesome and just made their heart all fluttery.

(Joonghyuk's mind: so cute!!)


"Dokja!! Dad is here!!" The man called as he waved his hand infront of the school gate.

"Dad!!!!" Dokja called and launch himself to the man's embrace.

"Got you!!" The man said and lift the kid up in the air, it earned a cute laugh from the boy.

"Now~ now~ you two I'm here too dokja~" Lee sookyung said with a small pout on her lips.

"Mom!!" Dokja called and reach his hand out to his beautiful mother.

The woman chuckled and tooked the kid from her husband, Kim dokja immediately wrapped his small arms around his mother.

"Let's go eat out! I'll buy you whatever you want dokja!" The man said which dokja cheered for.

"Ice cream!!!" Dokja said.

The two adults chuckled and pinched their Son's cheeks.

"Let go!!!" Kim Dokja said trying to remove the hands that was pinching his cheeks.

"Ahh!! My son is too cute!!!" Lee sookyung squeeled and peck his whole face with soft kisses.

Kim Dokja laughed at the ticklish feeling.

Kim Dokja was glad he was born in this family. It was like a good fairy tale that will surely have a happy ending.


The next scene was just wholesome like the others and it made the group almost die because of all the fluff.

Jihye: i can't my heart!!!!

Heewon: this is just too wholesome!!!

Sooyung: what the hell~ why the fuck is this so argh!!!!

Kids: so cute! So cute! So cute!!

Sanggah: i want to pat his head!!!!

Hyunsung: dokja-ssi why are you so cute?!

Joonghyuk: ......cute....

Sooyung: did you just- o my fucking hell!! The bastard finally called Kim dokja cute!!!!

Joonghyuk: shut up Han sooyung!

Sooyung: nah ah~ no way in fucking hell am I gonna shut up bitch! You fucking called him cute!!!

Joonghyuk: i kill you!

The others watch the two chase each other, and Yoo Joonghyuk was only able to calm down after killing a certain amount of avatars that came from Han sooyung.

They settled down and stared at the screen again, seeing another sentences on it.

{End film...}

{Up next: start of everything}

{Yes/ No}

All of them shouted yes, not expecting for the future scenes to be so.....


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