Start of everything

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{End film...}

{Up next: start of everything}

{Yes/ No}

All of them shouted yes, not expecting for the future scenes to be so.....



3 years later....

'It was like a good fairy tale that will surely have a happy ending.'

That's what Kim dokja thought but he was wrong.

His story doesn't have a happy ending.

As he opened the door, the sight before him wasn't what he saw everyday.

Lee Sookyung laying on the ground, skin turning black and blue from the bruises, then a mess in the living room, broken glasses on the floor, the things was turn upside down, as books was ripped and the smell of strong alcohol filled the air.

Then a bottle was thrown at the wall behind the figure of Lee Sookyung.

Kim Dokja's father was beating her up.

'dad.....why are you....' Kim dokja thought but even before his brain processed everything.

Kim dokja rushed to the scene and tried to stop his father from beating up his mother only for it to result in him being beaten up too.

'it hurts....'

That's the only thought in Kim dokja's mind as the beating continued on for a few more minutes, until the father lost interest in beating the two up as he went into the room like nothing happened.

Lee Sookyung was unconscious on the floor as the mini Kim dokja stand up while being supported by the wall.

" mom ok...?" Kim dokja whisperedly asked himself.

He approached his unconscious mother as he kneeled down infront of her, his shaking hands touching her swollen cheeks.


He couldn't say anything but only called and shake his mother up as he sob silently afraid that if he makes a sound his father would beat him up.

Then everything turn black, until kim dokja opened his eyes and he was inside his room.

'....was it all just a's hurts... about she okay....'

Kim dokja slowly stood up from his bed despite the pain, as he used the walls for his support, he went out and saw the clean living room that was once a mess last night, he went inside the kitchen and he saw his father sipping coffee as he was reading the news paper and his mother even though in bandages was still cooking breakfast, like nothing happened.

"Mom..." Kim dokja called as Lee Sookyung turned to face her son and showed him her usual smile.

"Good morning dokja, breakfast is almost ready, go to the table after you wash your hands ok." Lee Sookyung said as she turned her attention on the food she was cooking once again.

Kim dokja followed what his mother said and sat at the chair infront of his father.

Still feeling quite scared, his father called out to him as he patted Kim dokja's head.

"I'm sorry, okay dokja, father was drunk, he didn't mean to hurt you okay" He said. Kim dokja smiled at his father like usual.

"Its okay father, i forgive you" dokja said.

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