Fresh Scars

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{End film...}

{Up next: Fresh Scars}




Sanggah and Hyunsung mumbled yes, while watching the others scream and cried, they also wanted to do it. Scream their lungs out but they remembered that this wasn't finished yet.


The screen showed the two mother and son duo on the couch reading a book.

After they read the novel until the end, Kim dokja wasn't satisfied with it.

"That's's to short.." Kim dokja complained as his mother only laugh.

"Then why don't you read it again?"

"But i already know what will happen whats the point?"

"You'll know the answers if you read the story again dokja, why don't we read it together?"

Kim dokja didn't know that this will be the last time he would be able to spend time with her.

As Lee Sookyung asked Kim dokja, he only nod for an answer, they read the story once again and then the screen turned black once more.

That night everything turned for the worst and his nightmare continued to hunt him.

It change into night time as strong rain poured down from the clouds, pained screams were heard as the voice continued to plea.

Kim dokja was inside a closet, a place separating him from everything, he was shaking, crying, as he tried not to make a sound just like what his mother ordered him into.


The sound of slapping, screaming, cursing, he was able to hear it all even though the rain was so loud it wasn't able to muffled the terrifying sound of his father beating his mother.

He heard them, everything, the screams, the pleas. It was like a shadow, not going away and continued clinging to him.

As the light from the thunder entered the slightly open closet he saw how his mother stood up and block his father for him as his father towered over her.

That monster was holding something that would change his life to the worst change possible.

Then a glint of something was able to catch his eye, kim dokja stared at it and confirmed it really was a knife, he came out of the closet and then the screen turned all glitchy and scene pass by until it stopped with Kim dokja sitting on the floor filled with blood and his dead father laying beside him.

Knife in hand that soon was in Lee Sookyung's hand.

"Dokja, remember that i killed your father okay?"


"Well read this story again, right dokja"


His mother was still smiling so gently even though her cheeks was stained with blood.

'She killed []....No...[]...[] Killed father, he was dead the knife...[]...[]...[][][][]....she killed him stabbed the knife in his chest'

As words that kim dokja thought became filtered the sound of siren was heard somewhere then the screen turned black.


"Oh are you awake now boy?" A female asked, she was wearing a police uniform.

"Mother....." Kim dokja mumbled as he sat up from the hospital bed.

"Where's mother....?" He asked the female police, who only smiled sadly at him.

"Do you remember anything that happened child?" She asked.

"......blood...theirs blood...." Dokja mumbled as he turned pale with a blank expression on his face. He remembered what her mother told him.

    "Dokja, remember that i killed your father okay?"


"Well read this story again, right dokja?"


    His mother was still smiling so gently even though her cheeks was stained with blood.

Tears flow down his eyes as he stared blankly at the white blanket on his lap. His mother's words keep ringing in his ears.

'mother killed father....?' he thought.

Kim dokja felt his world crash down on him and he wished that it was all a dream, a lie, he wished that it wasn't real but the hand on his back says otherwise.

"It will be fine child..." The police woman said.


Kim dokja stared blankly at the coffin in front of him, no tears was coming out of his eyes.

He was at his father's funeral.

"How could he not cry?"

"How heartless of him...."

"His father died. Why isn't he crying?"

The chatters from everyone entered his ears but he didn't payed attention to it. He was to numb to care nor get hurt by their words.

The old scars that his father inflicted on him turned fresh again, as if it was ripped open for the world to see.

"Who will be taking care of him?"

"Not me!"

"Do you expect me to take in a criminal's child?"

The complaints from his relatives can be heard as well, no one wants to take him in.

Because his mother is a murderer.

One by one his relatives left and only his aunt remained. She glared down on the child before dragging him away from the funeral.

"You better behave you damn brat!" His aunt mumbled to herself but Kim dokja heard him.

He stayed silent while wincing at the tight grip on his wrist.


The screen turned black.

The scene played and played again on their minds like a broken record. All of them fell silent, as tears drop down their face.

The group did not expect for Kim dokja's childhood to be this....this....they don't know how to describe what they saw.

They felt Kim dokja's pain through the screen, his shaking voice that was filled with anger,and sadness, everything felt so real like they were the one experiencing it.

As they cried and cried, the room was only filled with crying sound.

Until another panel appeared on the screen.

{End film...}

{Up next: Bruises}


Sooyung: Let's...finish this quick i want to see that idiot...

All: Yes...


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