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{End film...}

{Up next: Healing?}


All: Yes!



Kim dokja opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a white ceiling.

He struggled to sit up before looking around.

A hospital.

He was in a hospital, dokja frowned suddenly remembering his state when he was a kid.

He roughly layed himself back down ignoring the pain while pulling the white blanket over his head.

'why.....why am I still alive...? Why don't you let me die?!!! I'm useless! I'm a piece of trash! Unwanted! A criminal's child! So why?! Why?! Why won't you let me rest?!!'

Dokja asked the Gods in his mind.

'i was already accepting my death, i felt pleased when i thought how guilty those fuckers will be when i die. But you gods just have to ruin everything!!'

He complained again, he felt frustrated. He was useless and he know that, that's why he killed himself but fate just have to get in between his plans.

Dokja keep on complaining while tears run down his face until he fell asleep.


"You useless piece of trash!!! You're already a burden and yet you have the guts to do this?!!" His aunt shouted at his face.

She was being hold back by the nurses as Kim dokja tried to ignore her.

"You good for nothing little shit!!! You're really your mother's child!! A psycho!!" The woman shouted again.

"Ma'am please calm down!!"

"Please don't shout at the patient!"

"Let me go!! I said let me go!!!" His aunt shouted before she was dragged away.

The doctor stared sadly at the blank looking boy, the doctor saw dokja's scars while they treat he's injury and can't help but pity the kid.

Dokja who can feel the pitying gaze wanted to scoff and shout at them.

He doesn't need pity. They can shove their damn pity to the trash.

"I'm alright...." Dokja said with a fake small smile.

The doctor sighed and left the kid alone to do his job. Kim dokja almost rolled his eyes, as he lay back down to the bed.

He took his phone and tap the search button.

[How to die in this shitty world?]

He waited for the results to come out, only for him to scoff in disbelief.

The site show a novel with a tittle that tick Kim dokja, he wanted to throw the goddamn phone to the wall.

[Three ways of survival in a ruined world.]

A novel that got 1,200 reads on the first chapter. Kim dokja hesitantly tap the novel before immersing himself in the story.

After reading some chapters, Kim dokja can feel himself smiling slightly.

"Okay...what a bastard...." Dokja mumbled and chuckled quietly.

"He's um....ah! A sunfish bastard!!" Dokja exclaimed before laughing at his words.


Jihye: aw!!!!!

Sanggah: he laughed!!! That's so cute!!!!

Memory of the Past [ORV fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now