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{End film...}

{Up next: Rest? }


Sanggah: y-yes.....



Kim dokja's crying face was the first thing they saw, and that continued on for a few minutes until there's nothing left for him to spill from his eyes. He stood up looking really tired the moonlight doing him a favor for lighting the dark room.


Kim dokja realized it was night time already so he frantically gathered his scattered things and left the school in a hurry. Running as if he was being chased by something, he was hurt but he didn't payed attention to it. He continued running until he reached the gates of her aunt's house.

He entered as quietly as possible but her aunt noticed him.

"You're finally home you brat. Why are you out so late? Did you get into a fight? You useless kid i am already burdened by my own family and you came home like this! I can't believe this! Is this how you repay my kindness huh?!! Ha...go into your room and don't show your face for the time being."

Her aunt shouted. Kim dokja stayed silent as he walked into his room but before he even get to lock the door, he heard what her aunt mumbled.

"If it isn't for the money that bitch made i wouldn't even let that disgusting brat stayed in my house"

Kim dokja locked the door and leaned his back on it, sliding downwards until he was sitting on the floor.

That day he found out that his mother sold their story, it was a popular story so dokja found it quickly in the internet. That help explained why the reporters are coming to him and asking him questions that he do not understand. Dokja's hatred for his mother continued growing, painting his already stained canvas of a heart with dark color.


Kim dokja was inside the classroom that was filled with students but no teacher. He was being bullied again but as always no one payed attention to it.

He took all the blows while laying on the ground shielding his head with his arms. The main bully hold him in the collar and bring him near his face before talking.

"You useless piece of shit, you should do everyone a favor and just kill yourself. Just seeing your fucking face annoys me and I'm sure everyone feels the same. "

He pushed Kim dokja onto the wall and laugh at him. Kim dokja struggled to stand but he manage to do so.

'He was right i was useless, a murderer's son, an existence that should have killed himself. ' Dokja thought.

Kim dokja scoffed feeling his sanity left him and he snapped. His eyes that still has a small glint of hope that someone would save him vanished. Kim dokja looked at his bullies and smile. A small smile that doesn't reach his emotionless eyes.

"I'll do what you guys wish then."

This sentence caught everyone's attention as they stared at Kim dokja. He moved from the wall to the open window. The wind blew by and flocks of his black hair covered his forehead, the light outside the window being block by Kim dokja's figure creating a shadow to cover his eyes.

And without a word he let himself fall from the window, Kim dokja saw his classmates frantic action trying to reach him. But they were already to late all of them and many more are the reason of his death. Just imagining those people being guilty for being one of the cause of Kim dokja's death kinda pleased him. For the first time in all those years of torture, he smirked like he just achieved something he truly wanted.

"Now i can finally rest..."

'Now i can finally rest...'

His thoughts and words became one before he closed his eyes.


The group stared at the darkened screen, all of them were standing and trying to reach Kim dokja but they do remember that they cannot hold him since this was only a screen showing Kim dokja of the past.

They clenched their hands as they bring it down, head hanging low shadowing their eyes. Their thoughts was all the same like all of them have one mind.

Those people laughing, chatting as if nothing was wrong when Kim dokja was getting beaten right infront of their faces. Punch after punch and kick after kick, continuously being sent down to Kim dokja's already bruised body. Those people frantic looks and Kim dokja falling from the window right into death's door. The pleased smile Kim dokja have as he closed his eyes waiting for his death.

The group couldn't utter a single sentence, they were rendered speechless. Their mouth continued opening and closing but now sound left their lips.

They were just speechless....their head was only filled about the video they watch nothing else. They couldn't even get angry or sad or anything since they don't know what to feel.

They where snapped out of their thoughts when a ping sound rang around the room.

{End film...}

{Up next: Healing?}


They went back to their seat, after a few minutes of only staring at the panel. The silence was broken down by shin yoosung's  silent sob, followed by Lee gilyoung's strained voice as he cried. The others follow suite, They felt relief since this was only the past and Kim dokja is still alive currently unconscious outside this room, they only need to finish this quickly and return to him.

They also felt proud even though Kim dokja went through all that he was still standing so firm and save all of them physically or emotionally.

But the pain they felt was bigger than all of those positive emotions they felt. The pain that they are feeling already hurts so much how about what Kim dokja felt by experiencing all of that first hand, it must have been hard. They couldn't even imagine how much of a hellish nightmare it may have been for Kim dokja.

Heewon: Let's just continue....i want to finish this quickly and stay by kim dokja's side for a whole day or more...

The group looked at her, her determination was contaigous, one by one they have another reason not to cry and finish this quickly.

All: Yes!

They said and readied themselves for the next scenes.


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