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{End film...}

{Up next: Bruises}


Sooyung: Let's...finish this quick i want to see that idiot...

All: Yes...



A dimly lit room was shown, inside was an 13 years old kim dokja as he was holding a picture frame, his picture with his mother, smiling like nothing happened.

" do you smile again?.....can you please teach me.....was it like this...or this....."

Kim dokja said as he forced himself to lift the tip of his lips, if it isn't for the look in Kim dokja's eyes the group would have laugh at his attempt to smile but they couldn't, that little boy was crying as he forced himself to smile while stroking the picture frame in hand.

A few more attempts until kim dokja drop the smile, his eyes void of emotions as he just stared at the picture tears still streaming down his face then in a small voice he whispered something, a tone that was filled with the feeling of betrayal, sadness, hatred and anger.

"Liar.....your a liar....mother..."

Kim dokja throwed the frame onto the wall and glared at it, like he wanted it to burn and just disappear. The glass shards scattered on the floor but he didn't payed attention to it, burying his head onto his folded knees and arms.

He hate her, he hate that monster, he hate everyone, his mother said that smiling will lessen the pain but it only made it worst, that monster said that he was sorry and he didn't mean to do it but he beat him up the next day and for the past 5 years, they told lies and dokja couldn' won't forgive them for it.

kim dokja cried himself to sleep, wanting to forget everything.


A much more older kim dokja appeared still sleeping and a room that was a mess, the room looks so much like a storage room than an actual room.

The walls where mouldy and the paint on it can be pulled off if one wanted too, the floor has cracks and missing pieces of tiles on it, while scattered books was everywhere, there was no study table nor any fancy things, the bed he was laying to was just a mat and his pillow looks like something he made himself, he has a small closet but one can tell what was inside was just a few shirts and shorts, his uniform and nothing else.

Once Kim dokja steered in his sleep he went to the bathroom and did his mourning routine.

Kim dokja stared at the mirror, his reflection can be seen, his face has bruises and his body has also bruises, scanning his body with dead eyes he could not help but sigh as he patch himself up messily, the bandages was poorly done and one can tell that it was doing nothing to heal the boy's injuries.

"Hah~, they really don't show mercy huh, i hope i can avoid them today." He mumbled.


He was walking his way to school while kicking a pebble, the smirk that his comrades know cannot be seen on his face that was void of no emotion, the light they always saw in his eyes was not there, it was like he was a broken puppet, only living  for the sake of living.


A newly bruised kim dokja was seen, his once clean bandages was undone and his once clean clothes was dirtied with foot prints on it.

He entered the classroom, the teacher didn't even acknowledge his presence as he continued writing on the board and his classmates only snickered at his appearance.

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